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Circuit Lab - Hands-On Electronics & App Inventors Register View Cart

Children experiment with electronics and circuitry, as well as designing their own interactive/ programmable devices. Arduino (build interactive devices) and Raspberry Pi (to learn about computers/ coding) are used to experimenting with LEDs, resistors, motors, and programming. Each day your child will design a hands-on project. How do phone apps work? In this no-experience-required course, use MITApp Inventor software to make fun, creative apps for Android phones and tablets. Build custom Bluetooth hardware controllers for apps. Your child will learn programming, design aspects, and will be able to build apps on their own!

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Circuit Lab - Hands-On Electronics & App Inventors 
9y - 12y N/A MTuWThF  07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025
09:00 AM - 03:00 PM

Community Center - 242 - Multi-Purpose Room
$460.00 Res, $470.00 Non-Res
15 seat(s) available
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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