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FC Academy Filmmaking & Special Effects Register View Cart

Filmmaking & Special Effects
In this class, students will learn a new way to approach filmmaking. Not only will they collaborate to make their own short film but they will also learn a new skill that will expand their creative approach to filmmaking. This class will focus on all things special effects using tools such as green screens, movie props, camera techniques and professional editing software to bring their imagination to life. Together they will write, shoot, and edit a film in the genre of their choosing.

All films made in this class will be submitted to the Boston International Kids Film Festival for a chance to be selected and screened at the festival in November 2025!

For more info please reach out to Natalia Morgan at

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FC Academy - Filmmaking & Special Effects 
12y - 14y N/A MTuWThF  07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025
09:00 AM - 03:00 PM

Community Center - 237 - Multi-Purpose Room
$490.00 Res, $500.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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