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Right Brain Curriculum - Metrocraft & Kids News Room (Summer) Register View Cart

Join our community as we build and govern a world-class Minecraft city, complete with everything needed for incoming residents! Build, budget, and furnish your own house. Plan a marketing campaign as you build your own business. Serve on the city council and vote to shape the city’s future as you help create a constitution of laws for your citizens. Our Right Brain Curriculum teachers will guide you through – demonstrating how math, economics and community-building are key to a successful, working urban environment.
Check out the program in action:

The Kids’ Newsroom:
Our classroom becomes a working newsroom as we write and publish a class newspaper! Our Right Brain Curriculum instructors will teach you the craft of journalism, including investigative writing, interviewing, research, and editing. Don’t like that new school lunch they’re serving? Express your feelings on the editorial page. Going to the school soccer game? Bring your camera and reporter’s notebook and become a beat reporter for our sports section. On your way to the new Frozen sequel? Write a glowing or scathing review. We are looking for reporters, editors, photographers, and graphic designers!

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Right Brain Curriculum - Metrocraft & Kids Newsroom 
8y - 13y N/A MTuWThF  08/11/2025 - 08/15/2025
09:00 AM - 03:00 PM

Community Center - 237 - Multi-Purpose Room
$500.00 Res, $510.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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