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Wednesday May 1, 2024
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM    Active Agers Alumni Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
10:00 AM - 10:55 AM    Osteofitness with Beverley Ikier and Kerri Powers - Osteofitness Spring Hybrid
Instructors: OsteofitnessTM is led by two certified and experienced instructors, Ikier and Kerri Powers. Ikier trained with Miriam Nelson and has been teaching this class for twenty years. Ikier is a CPT and BCTMB. She has developed a program that can be performed at any fitness level and modified as needed.Powers is the owner of Fitness Together in Lexington, Massachusetts and brings years education and experience, along with providing detailed instruction for every exercise.Description: OsteofitnessTM is a natural approach to the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. This program is specifically designed to build bone density, and prevent fall and fracture. The recovery rate of an osteoporotic fracture is poor, ranging from needing assistance with ambulation, needing assistance with the tasks of daily living, to a 30 percent mortality rate. Thus, it is essential to take steps to prevent osteoporotic fractures.OsteofitnessTM has proven to be successful in improving bone mineral density (BMD) in osteopenia and osteoporosis, along with preparing seniors to strengthen, and maintain independent and active lifestyles. This holistic approach to osteoporosis treatment includes, specific topics such as targeted strengthening to major osteoporotic sites, instruction for bone health, balance and posture, osteoporosis education, bone-health nutrition, stress management, and personalized instruction from Beverley Ikier.Chronic stress has been shown to inhibit bone growth. Stress reduction and relaxation are taught in every class for this reason. Research has also identified four essential nutrients calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin k are needed to maintain healthy bones. Ikier also teaches how to incorporate these nutrients into your diet, and provides instruction on how to avoid foods unhealthy for bones. OsteofitnessTM Perks: Unlike comparable programs, OsteofitnessTM provides supplemental instruction through the use of perks. These perks include a free 20-minute consultation with Ikier to discuss your bone scan, email coaching from Ikier, four bone-healthy recipes each month, an educational newsletter, two instructional videos you can access on-demand, and bonus material.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:10 AM - 12:05 PM    Zumba Gold with Yachun Lin - Hybrid - Zumba Gold Wednesdays - Spring Hybrid
Zumba Gold is a Latin-inspired dance-fitness party for active older adults, beginners, and anyone who is looking to dance and have a great time without jumping! Easy-to-follow and feel-good routines to international beats. Each routine starts out with basic steps and adds on to each step as the song progresses. This creates the opportunity to add more intensity or lower the intensity level based on each individuals fitness abilities and preferences. Zumba Gold classes focus on building strength, cardiovascular health, balance, coordination, and flexibility. Please wear sturdy sneakers and bring water. Instructor: Yachun Lin conducted via Zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:15 PM - 2:10 PM    Chair Fitness Fun - Chair Fitness Fun with Judy - Spring In Person
Looking to improve your aerobic capacity, but not yet able to stand for long periods of time?  Take a seat for 30 minutes while listening to music that makes you want to dance!  Each class also includes 20 minutes of standing or seated strengthening exercises of the major muscle groups in the body.  We end with a relaxing cool down. This workout is a fun way to improve your overall health. Every class is unique; no two classes are ever the same!  Class will be taught in person (limited to 20) and remotely by Judy Whitney.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
2:15 PM - 3:10 PM    Forever Fit with Judy Whitney - Forever Fit Winter Session
Being out of shape can mean different things at different ages.  As we get older and muscle loss accelerates, we may begin to notice “we can’t do what we used to do”.  If you are finding you have difficulty bending, walking upstairs, carrying groceries, or are experiencing weight gain, overall fatigue or just slowing down and would like to improve your physical condition, we can help you.  The Forever Fit program will help you develop strength, improve balance, increase flexibility and agility, build endurance, and reduce stress.  There are three components to this program: individual assessments, group instruction and working one-to-one with an expert Personal Trainer who is skilled in determining the best way to achieve mutually agreed upon goals.  We use a variety of fitness disciplines and exercise modifications to empower you to succeed at your appropriate fitness level because getting back in shape can happen at any age!   Over the past eight years, the Dana Home Foundation has generously offered this program to empower their senior citizens to learn how to become stronger, healthier and more physically fit.  This grant has been renewed again due to the recent successes of its participants.  The program is free to Lexington residents over the age of 60. We urge you to seriously consider accepting this gift of wellness to empower you to be Forever Fit! Classes are Monday and Wednesday at 2:15 pm.  One to one sessions will be by appointment only.Register to attend an information meeting on January 22 at 2:30 pm at the Lexington Community Center. Forever Fit Class Registration will open after the meeting. For questions or more information, please contact instructor Judy Whitney at
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
7:00 PM - 7:55 PM    Yoga with Keith Herndon - Yoga Wednesdays - Spring Hybrid
Join certified instructor Keith Herndon in this physically balancing workout of Yoga on Monday or Wednesday evenings from the comfort of your own home or in our studio. Yoga is famous for harmonizing mind and body through stretching, breathing, deep relaxation, range of movement, and a calm inner focus,  Participants should have a yoga mat and a water bottle. Instructor: Keith Herndon class will be Hybrid, you may join Keith in Room 006 or log in via Zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Thursday May 2, 2024
9:45 AM - 10:40 AM    Fit & Fabulous with Maureen Gaines - Fit & Fabulous Thursdays - Spring Hybrid
This class is a total body fitness workout, offering exercises for strength, endurance, balance and flexibility. The class begins with warm up movements and concludes with stretching exercise and opportunities to relax the mind and body. You are encouraged to use free weights, If available (canned goods, water bottles, etc) to enhance strength exercises, and resistance items (stretch bands, tubes, barre balls, small pillow, etc) to enhance exercises. Instructor: Maureen Gaines in person and zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:00 AM - 11:55 AM    Seated Strength & Balance with Pearl Pressman - Seated Strength & Balance - Spring Hybrid
This seated class is designed to accommodate individuals of various fitness levels and abilities and can be adapted to meet the particular needs of any of the participants. The class begins with a thorough warm-up for both the joints and the muscles. The warm-up is followed by strength training for all the major muscle groups of the body using hand weights (or household objects) and body weight, as well as a few minutes of standing balance exercises for those who are able. The class concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:00 PM - 12:55 PM    Strength Training with Pearl Pressman - Strength Training Tu/Th - Spring In Person
This 55-minute class will help you build a stronger, more sculpted body, improve posture and balance and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. You will also learn proper weight-training techniques, which is key to success. The class begins with a brief warm-up, followed by strength training exercises for all the major muscle groups of the body, both standing, seated and on the floor, and concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. The class is designed to accommodate participants of all fitness levels and abilities. A chair, athletic shoes, hand weights, an exercise mat, and water are recommended. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom and In Person 
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:00 PM - 1:55 PM    Total Fitness - Total Fitness with Judy - Thursdays Spring In Person
Aerobic routines paired with upbeat music make up the first 30 minutes of this class.   Exercises for agility, muscle conditioning, balance and stretching complete the hour.  This workout is challenging yet safe, and easily modified for all fitness levels.  A choreographer and Personal Trainer for over 25 years, Judy selects exercises from varied disciplines including dance, Yoga and Pilates to attain the best all around workout. Class will be taught in person (limited to 20) and remotely by Judy Whitney.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM    SportsZone 101 Ultimate Nerf Showdown - SportsZone 101 - Ultimate Nerf Showdown, Spring
Come test your individual and team effectiveness as a participant in our Nerf program! This awesome program puts a fresh spin on traditional games like Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, and Zone Wars, while also allowing participants to get great exercise, learn strategic planning skills, and make new battle-tested friends. We use Nerf X-Shot and Nerf Dart style equipment. Participants will play different games throughout the day, with individual and team-based challenges, so there is always something new and exciting to strive for. We will also have all sorts of inflatable bunkers and other fun objects for the students to strategize their missions. NERF SHOWDOWN COURSE: Kids will enjoy our inflatable bunker course which help to protect and hide behind in your missions! All Nerf equipment and obstacles are sanitized before and after use. Kids can bring their own equipment so long as it’s labeled properly! Kids Should Bring: Water, Comfortable Shoes!
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM    Wing Chun Kung Fu - Wing Chun Kung Fu - Spring In Person
Come join our 90 minute class and learn a martial art that is realistic and effective in application and self-defense, but is easy to learn, safe, practical, and fun. Classes start with the basic Sil Nim Tau form, followed by Lat-Sao reflex training, drills, and application. Wing Chun Kung Fu is suitable for all people, regardless of age, physical ability, or previous experience, whether you've been doing martial arts your whole life or you're a beginner. Instructor: Sifu Ken Marden conducted in person.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Friday May 3, 2024
8:45 AM - 9:40 AM    SHiNE LIGHT - SHiNE LIGHT - Spring Session
SHiNE LIGHT is a branch of SHiNE Dance Fitness which specializes in low impact and simplified choreography with a focus on stability and safe ranges of motion. SHiNE LIGHT brings original routines to life using hit music and choreography for all-abilities. Rooted in jazz, ballet and hip-hop, this workout gives you a creative outlet to escape from daily stress. Each class includes the perfect balance of cardio and toning to ensure you receive a full-body workout with real results. SHiNE LIGHT is a mood-lifting experience that leaves you feeling capable, confident, and connected to a supportive community.  This is an in person class, taught by Julie Steinkrauss-Fuhrer.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
10:00 AM - 10:55 AM    Osteofitness with Beverley Ikier and Kerri Powers - Osteofitness Spring Hybrid
Instructors: OsteofitnessTM is led by two certified and experienced instructors, Ikier and Kerri Powers. Ikier trained with Miriam Nelson and has been teaching this class for twenty years. Ikier is a CPT and BCTMB. She has developed a program that can be performed at any fitness level and modified as needed.Powers is the owner of Fitness Together in Lexington, Massachusetts and brings years education and experience, along with providing detailed instruction for every exercise.Description: OsteofitnessTM is a natural approach to the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. This program is specifically designed to build bone density, and prevent fall and fracture. The recovery rate of an osteoporotic fracture is poor, ranging from needing assistance with ambulation, needing assistance with the tasks of daily living, to a 30 percent mortality rate. Thus, it is essential to take steps to prevent osteoporotic fractures.OsteofitnessTM has proven to be successful in improving bone mineral density (BMD) in osteopenia and osteoporosis, along with preparing seniors to strengthen, and maintain independent and active lifestyles. This holistic approach to osteoporosis treatment includes, specific topics such as targeted strengthening to major osteoporotic sites, instruction for bone health, balance and posture, osteoporosis education, bone-health nutrition, stress management, and personalized instruction from Beverley Ikier.Chronic stress has been shown to inhibit bone growth. Stress reduction and relaxation are taught in every class for this reason. Research has also identified four essential nutrients calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin k are needed to maintain healthy bones. Ikier also teaches how to incorporate these nutrients into your diet, and provides instruction on how to avoid foods unhealthy for bones. OsteofitnessTM Perks: Unlike comparable programs, OsteofitnessTM provides supplemental instruction through the use of perks. These perks include a free 20-minute consultation with Ikier to discuss your bone scan, email coaching from Ikier, four bone-healthy recipes each month, an educational newsletter, two instructional videos you can access on-demand, and bonus material.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM    Daoyin Meditation Teaching Program - Daoyin Meditation Teaching Program with Annie - Spring In Person
Daoyin, an ancient practice dating back 1200 years in China, combines meditation and stretching movements. For our upcoming Daoyin education course, we have integrated the ancient Daoyin techniques with modern medical science, creating a unique program designed by Dr. Jing Liu, Ph.D., an esteemed integrative medical doctor in China. Our Daoyin stretching exercises primarily focus on circular and spiral motions, aiming to improve energy, blood circulation, and overall physical function. Each class will bring you significant health benefits.Established in 2012, the Daoyin Health Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting health and well-being. Our courses have been warmly received by participants over the years. We encourage you to visit our website at for more information. Annie Liu and Hannah Li, highly experienced senior Daoyin coaches, will lead the upcoming classes and are eager to assist you on your wellness journey.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:45 PM - 2:30 PM    LABBB Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
3:30 PM - 7:00 PM    Science Olympiad Team Meeting Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Saturday May 4, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM    Daoyin Meditation Teaching Program - Daoyin Meditation Teaching Program with Hannah - Spring In Person
Daoyin, an ancient practice dating back 1200 years in China, combines meditation and stretching movements. For our upcoming Daoyin education course, we have integrated the ancient Daoyin techniques with modern medical science, creating a unique program designed by Dr. Jing Liu, Ph.D., an esteemed integrative medical doctor in China. Our Daoyin stretching exercises primarily focus on circular and spiral motions, aiming to improve energy, blood circulation, and overall physical function. Each class will bring you significant health benefits.Established in 2012, the Daoyin Health Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting health and well-being. Our courses have been warmly received by participants over the years. We encourage you to visit our website at for more information. Annie Liu and Hannah Li, highly experienced senior Daoyin coaches, will lead the upcoming classes and are eager to assist you on your wellness journey.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM    Punjabi Culture Club Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
3:00 PM - 4:45 PM    Lex Read Kids Story Time Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Monday May 6, 2024
9:45 AM - 10:40 AM    Fit & Fabulous with Maureen Gaines - Fit & Fabulous Mondays - Spring Hybrid
This class is a total body fitness workout, offering exercises for strength, endurance, balance and flexibility. The class begins with warm up movements and concludes with stretching exercise and opportunities to relax the mind and body. You are encouraged to use free weights, If available (canned goods, water bottles, etc) to enhance strength exercises, and resistance items (stretch bands, tubes, barre balls, small pillow, etc) to enhance exercises. Instructor: Maureen Gaines in person and zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:15 AM - 12:10 PM    Just Move It with Diane Taylor - Just Move It - Spring In Person
Come join us for an hour of upbeat exercise appropriate for adults at all levels. Includes cardio, hand weights, body bar and floor exercise . Finishing with a standing cool down and stretch. All genres of music used. Please wear layered exercise clothes and sneakers or sturdy shoes. Please bring a towel or mat to lay on, a water bottle and a sense of humor.  Instructor: Diane Taylor conducted in person in room 006 at the Community Center.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:00 PM - 1:55 PM    Total Fitness - Total Fitness with Judy - Mondays Spring In Person
Aerobic routines paired with upbeat music make up the first 30 minutes of this class.   Exercises for agility, muscle conditioning, balance and stretching complete the hour.  This workout is challenging yet safe, and easily modified for all fitness levels.  A choreographer and Personal Trainer for over 25 years, Judy selects exercises from varied disciplines including dance, Yoga and Pilates to attain the best all around workout. Class will be taught in person (limited to 20) and remotely by Judy Whitney.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
2:15 PM - 3:10 PM    Forever Fit with Judy Whitney - Forever Fit Winter Session
Being out of shape can mean different things at different ages.  As we get older and muscle loss accelerates, we may begin to notice “we can’t do what we used to do”.  If you are finding you have difficulty bending, walking upstairs, carrying groceries, or are experiencing weight gain, overall fatigue or just slowing down and would like to improve your physical condition, we can help you.  The Forever Fit program will help you develop strength, improve balance, increase flexibility and agility, build endurance, and reduce stress.  There are three components to this program: individual assessments, group instruction and working one-to-one with an expert Personal Trainer who is skilled in determining the best way to achieve mutually agreed upon goals.  We use a variety of fitness disciplines and exercise modifications to empower you to succeed at your appropriate fitness level because getting back in shape can happen at any age!   Over the past eight years, the Dana Home Foundation has generously offered this program to empower their senior citizens to learn how to become stronger, healthier and more physically fit.  This grant has been renewed again due to the recent successes of its participants.  The program is free to Lexington residents over the age of 60. We urge you to seriously consider accepting this gift of wellness to empower you to be Forever Fit! Classes are Monday and Wednesday at 2:15 pm.  One to one sessions will be by appointment only.Register to attend an information meeting on January 22 at 2:30 pm at the Lexington Community Center. Forever Fit Class Registration will open after the meeting. For questions or more information, please contact instructor Judy Whitney at
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
5:45 PM - 6:40 PM    SHiNE Dance Fitness - SHiNE Dance Fitness - Spring Session
SHiNE Dance Fitness™ brings original routines to life using hit music and choreography for all-abilities. Rooted in jazz, ballet, and hip-hop, this workout gives you a creative outlet to escape from daily stress. Each class includes the perfect balance of high cardio and toning to ensure you receive a full-body workout with real results. SHiNE is a mood-lifting experience that leaves you feeling capable, confident, and connected to a supportive community. This is an in person class, taught by Kristin Dean.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
7:00 PM - 7:55 PM    Yoga with Keith Herndon - Yoga Mondays - Spring Hybrid
Join certified instructor Keith Herndon in this physically balancing workout of Yoga on Monday or Wednesday evenings from the comfort of your own home or in our studio. Yoga is famous for harmonizing mind and body through stretching, breathing, deep relaxation, range of movement, and a calm inner focus,  Participants should have a yoga mat and a water bottle. Instructor: Keith Herndon class will be Hybrid, you may join Keith in Room 006 or log in via Zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Tuesday May 7, 2024
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM    Pilates & Barre with Ellen Gaies - Pilates & Barre - Spring Hybrid
Join this fun and challenging workout that includes Pilates floor exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles, Barre exercises to improve your balance, flexibility, and posture, and Yoga stretches for deeper relaxation. Modifications will be provided for all levels of experience and any physical concerns. We will use light weights, resistance/therapy bands, a Pilates ball, mat, and a Ballet Barre or chair.  Ellen Gaies is a certified instructor with over 30 years of teaching fitness classes including Pilates, Barre, Muscle Conditioning, Zumba and Ballet.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:00 AM - 11:55 AM    Seated Strength & Balance with Pearl Pressman - Seated Strength & Balance - Spring Hybrid
This seated class is designed to accommodate individuals of various fitness levels and abilities and can be adapted to meet the particular needs of any of the participants. The class begins with a thorough warm-up for both the joints and the muscles. The warm-up is followed by strength training for all the major muscle groups of the body using hand weights (or household objects) and body weight, as well as a few minutes of standing balance exercises for those who are able. The class concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:00 PM - 12:55 PM    Strength Training with Pearl Pressman - Strength Training Tu/Th - Spring In Person
This 55-minute class will help you build a stronger, more sculpted body, improve posture and balance and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. You will also learn proper weight-training techniques, which is key to success. The class begins with a brief warm-up, followed by strength training exercises for all the major muscle groups of the body, both standing, seated and on the floor, and concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. The class is designed to accommodate participants of all fitness levels and abilities. A chair, athletic shoes, hand weights, an exercise mat, and water are recommended. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom and In Person 
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM    Line Dance with Paul - Line Dance with Paul Tuesdays - Spring In Person
Line dancing is great fun while you improve memory skills, strengthen bones, develop better balance, relieve stress, and put a smile on your face. Each dance is broken down first, demonstrated and then danced to contemporary music that you will enjoy! No need to have a partner, it is something for everyone and no experience is necessary!
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM    Kids and or Teens Combined Martial Arts - Kids Combined Martial Arts - Spring
Come to the Community Center and join instructor Charles Crayton Jr., a 6th-degree black belt with 30 years of experience, for classes in combined martial arts. Come away learning self-defense moves of all kinds, a sharper mind, patience, and self-discipline.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
5:45 PM - 6:45 PM    Kids and or Teens Combined Martial Arts - Combined Martial Arts for Teens
Come to the Community Center and join instructor Charles Crayton Jr., a 6th-degree black belt with 30 years of experience, for classes in combined martial arts. Come away learning self-defense moves of all kinds, a sharper mind, patience, and self-discipline.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Wednesday May 8, 2024
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM    Active Agers Alumni Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
10:00 AM - 10:55 AM    Osteofitness with Beverley Ikier and Kerri Powers - Osteofitness Spring Hybrid
Instructors: OsteofitnessTM is led by two certified and experienced instructors, Ikier and Kerri Powers. Ikier trained with Miriam Nelson and has been teaching this class for twenty years. Ikier is a CPT and BCTMB. She has developed a program that can be performed at any fitness level and modified as needed.Powers is the owner of Fitness Together in Lexington, Massachusetts and brings years education and experience, along with providing detailed instruction for every exercise.Description: OsteofitnessTM is a natural approach to the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. This program is specifically designed to build bone density, and prevent fall and fracture. The recovery rate of an osteoporotic fracture is poor, ranging from needing assistance with ambulation, needing assistance with the tasks of daily living, to a 30 percent mortality rate. Thus, it is essential to take steps to prevent osteoporotic fractures.OsteofitnessTM has proven to be successful in improving bone mineral density (BMD) in osteopenia and osteoporosis, along with preparing seniors to strengthen, and maintain independent and active lifestyles. This holistic approach to osteoporosis treatment includes, specific topics such as targeted strengthening to major osteoporotic sites, instruction for bone health, balance and posture, osteoporosis education, bone-health nutrition, stress management, and personalized instruction from Beverley Ikier.Chronic stress has been shown to inhibit bone growth. Stress reduction and relaxation are taught in every class for this reason. Research has also identified four essential nutrients calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin k are needed to maintain healthy bones. Ikier also teaches how to incorporate these nutrients into your diet, and provides instruction on how to avoid foods unhealthy for bones. OsteofitnessTM Perks: Unlike comparable programs, OsteofitnessTM provides supplemental instruction through the use of perks. These perks include a free 20-minute consultation with Ikier to discuss your bone scan, email coaching from Ikier, four bone-healthy recipes each month, an educational newsletter, two instructional videos you can access on-demand, and bonus material.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:10 AM - 12:05 PM    Zumba Gold with Yachun Lin - Hybrid - Zumba Gold Wednesdays - Spring Hybrid
Zumba Gold is a Latin-inspired dance-fitness party for active older adults, beginners, and anyone who is looking to dance and have a great time without jumping! Easy-to-follow and feel-good routines to international beats. Each routine starts out with basic steps and adds on to each step as the song progresses. This creates the opportunity to add more intensity or lower the intensity level based on each individuals fitness abilities and preferences. Zumba Gold classes focus on building strength, cardiovascular health, balance, coordination, and flexibility. Please wear sturdy sneakers and bring water. Instructor: Yachun Lin conducted via Zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:15 PM - 2:10 PM    Chair Fitness Fun - Chair Fitness Fun with Judy - Spring In Person
Looking to improve your aerobic capacity, but not yet able to stand for long periods of time?  Take a seat for 30 minutes while listening to music that makes you want to dance!  Each class also includes 20 minutes of standing or seated strengthening exercises of the major muscle groups in the body.  We end with a relaxing cool down. This workout is a fun way to improve your overall health. Every class is unique; no two classes are ever the same!  Class will be taught in person (limited to 20) and remotely by Judy Whitney.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
2:15 PM - 3:10 PM    Forever Fit with Judy Whitney - Forever Fit Winter Session
Being out of shape can mean different things at different ages.  As we get older and muscle loss accelerates, we may begin to notice “we can’t do what we used to do”.  If you are finding you have difficulty bending, walking upstairs, carrying groceries, or are experiencing weight gain, overall fatigue or just slowing down and would like to improve your physical condition, we can help you.  The Forever Fit program will help you develop strength, improve balance, increase flexibility and agility, build endurance, and reduce stress.  There are three components to this program: individual assessments, group instruction and working one-to-one with an expert Personal Trainer who is skilled in determining the best way to achieve mutually agreed upon goals.  We use a variety of fitness disciplines and exercise modifications to empower you to succeed at your appropriate fitness level because getting back in shape can happen at any age!   Over the past eight years, the Dana Home Foundation has generously offered this program to empower their senior citizens to learn how to become stronger, healthier and more physically fit.  This grant has been renewed again due to the recent successes of its participants.  The program is free to Lexington residents over the age of 60. We urge you to seriously consider accepting this gift of wellness to empower you to be Forever Fit! Classes are Monday and Wednesday at 2:15 pm.  One to one sessions will be by appointment only.Register to attend an information meeting on January 22 at 2:30 pm at the Lexington Community Center. Forever Fit Class Registration will open after the meeting. For questions or more information, please contact instructor Judy Whitney at
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
7:00 PM - 7:55 PM    Yoga with Keith Herndon - Yoga Wednesdays - Spring Hybrid
Join certified instructor Keith Herndon in this physically balancing workout of Yoga on Monday or Wednesday evenings from the comfort of your own home or in our studio. Yoga is famous for harmonizing mind and body through stretching, breathing, deep relaxation, range of movement, and a calm inner focus,  Participants should have a yoga mat and a water bottle. Instructor: Keith Herndon class will be Hybrid, you may join Keith in Room 006 or log in via Zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Thursday May 9, 2024
9:45 AM - 10:40 AM    Fit & Fabulous with Maureen Gaines - Fit & Fabulous Thursdays - Spring Hybrid
This class is a total body fitness workout, offering exercises for strength, endurance, balance and flexibility. The class begins with warm up movements and concludes with stretching exercise and opportunities to relax the mind and body. You are encouraged to use free weights, If available (canned goods, water bottles, etc) to enhance strength exercises, and resistance items (stretch bands, tubes, barre balls, small pillow, etc) to enhance exercises. Instructor: Maureen Gaines in person and zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:00 AM - 11:55 AM    Seated Strength & Balance with Pearl Pressman - Seated Strength & Balance - Spring Hybrid
This seated class is designed to accommodate individuals of various fitness levels and abilities and can be adapted to meet the particular needs of any of the participants. The class begins with a thorough warm-up for both the joints and the muscles. The warm-up is followed by strength training for all the major muscle groups of the body using hand weights (or household objects) and body weight, as well as a few minutes of standing balance exercises for those who are able. The class concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:00 PM - 12:55 PM    Strength Training with Pearl Pressman - Strength Training Tu/Th - Spring In Person
This 55-minute class will help you build a stronger, more sculpted body, improve posture and balance and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. You will also learn proper weight-training techniques, which is key to success. The class begins with a brief warm-up, followed by strength training exercises for all the major muscle groups of the body, both standing, seated and on the floor, and concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. The class is designed to accommodate participants of all fitness levels and abilities. A chair, athletic shoes, hand weights, an exercise mat, and water are recommended. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom and In Person 
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:00 PM - 1:55 PM    Total Fitness - Total Fitness with Judy - Thursdays Spring In Person
Aerobic routines paired with upbeat music make up the first 30 minutes of this class.   Exercises for agility, muscle conditioning, balance and stretching complete the hour.  This workout is challenging yet safe, and easily modified for all fitness levels.  A choreographer and Personal Trainer for over 25 years, Judy selects exercises from varied disciplines including dance, Yoga and Pilates to attain the best all around workout. Class will be taught in person (limited to 20) and remotely by Judy Whitney.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM    SportsZone 101 Ultimate Nerf Showdown - SportsZone 101 - Ultimate Nerf Showdown, Spring
Come test your individual and team effectiveness as a participant in our Nerf program! This awesome program puts a fresh spin on traditional games like Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, and Zone Wars, while also allowing participants to get great exercise, learn strategic planning skills, and make new battle-tested friends. We use Nerf X-Shot and Nerf Dart style equipment. Participants will play different games throughout the day, with individual and team-based challenges, so there is always something new and exciting to strive for. We will also have all sorts of inflatable bunkers and other fun objects for the students to strategize their missions. NERF SHOWDOWN COURSE: Kids will enjoy our inflatable bunker course which help to protect and hide behind in your missions! All Nerf equipment and obstacles are sanitized before and after use. Kids can bring their own equipment so long as it’s labeled properly! Kids Should Bring: Water, Comfortable Shoes!
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM    Wing Chun Kung Fu - Wing Chun Kung Fu - Spring In Person
Come join our 90 minute class and learn a martial art that is realistic and effective in application and self-defense, but is easy to learn, safe, practical, and fun. Classes start with the basic Sil Nim Tau form, followed by Lat-Sao reflex training, drills, and application. Wing Chun Kung Fu is suitable for all people, regardless of age, physical ability, or previous experience, whether you've been doing martial arts your whole life or you're a beginner. Instructor: Sifu Ken Marden conducted in person.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Friday May 10, 2024
8:45 AM - 9:40 AM    SHiNE LIGHT - SHiNE LIGHT - Spring Session
SHiNE LIGHT is a branch of SHiNE Dance Fitness which specializes in low impact and simplified choreography with a focus on stability and safe ranges of motion. SHiNE LIGHT brings original routines to life using hit music and choreography for all-abilities. Rooted in jazz, ballet and hip-hop, this workout gives you a creative outlet to escape from daily stress. Each class includes the perfect balance of cardio and toning to ensure you receive a full-body workout with real results. SHiNE LIGHT is a mood-lifting experience that leaves you feeling capable, confident, and connected to a supportive community.  This is an in person class, taught by Julie Steinkrauss-Fuhrer.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
10:00 AM - 10:55 AM    Osteofitness with Beverley Ikier and Kerri Powers - Osteofitness Spring Hybrid
Instructors: OsteofitnessTM is led by two certified and experienced instructors, Ikier and Kerri Powers. Ikier trained with Miriam Nelson and has been teaching this class for twenty years. Ikier is a CPT and BCTMB. She has developed a program that can be performed at any fitness level and modified as needed.Powers is the owner of Fitness Together in Lexington, Massachusetts and brings years education and experience, along with providing detailed instruction for every exercise.Description: OsteofitnessTM is a natural approach to the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. This program is specifically designed to build bone density, and prevent fall and fracture. The recovery rate of an osteoporotic fracture is poor, ranging from needing assistance with ambulation, needing assistance with the tasks of daily living, to a 30 percent mortality rate. Thus, it is essential to take steps to prevent osteoporotic fractures.OsteofitnessTM has proven to be successful in improving bone mineral density (BMD) in osteopenia and osteoporosis, along with preparing seniors to strengthen, and maintain independent and active lifestyles. This holistic approach to osteoporosis treatment includes, specific topics such as targeted strengthening to major osteoporotic sites, instruction for bone health, balance and posture, osteoporosis education, bone-health nutrition, stress management, and personalized instruction from Beverley Ikier.Chronic stress has been shown to inhibit bone growth. Stress reduction and relaxation are taught in every class for this reason. Research has also identified four essential nutrients calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin k are needed to maintain healthy bones. Ikier also teaches how to incorporate these nutrients into your diet, and provides instruction on how to avoid foods unhealthy for bones. OsteofitnessTM Perks: Unlike comparable programs, OsteofitnessTM provides supplemental instruction through the use of perks. These perks include a free 20-minute consultation with Ikier to discuss your bone scan, email coaching from Ikier, four bone-healthy recipes each month, an educational newsletter, two instructional videos you can access on-demand, and bonus material.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM    Daoyin Meditation Teaching Program - Daoyin Meditation Teaching Program with Annie - Spring In Person
Daoyin, an ancient practice dating back 1200 years in China, combines meditation and stretching movements. For our upcoming Daoyin education course, we have integrated the ancient Daoyin techniques with modern medical science, creating a unique program designed by Dr. Jing Liu, Ph.D., an esteemed integrative medical doctor in China. Our Daoyin stretching exercises primarily focus on circular and spiral motions, aiming to improve energy, blood circulation, and overall physical function. Each class will bring you significant health benefits.Established in 2012, the Daoyin Health Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting health and well-being. Our courses have been warmly received by participants over the years. We encourage you to visit our website at for more information. Annie Liu and Hannah Li, highly experienced senior Daoyin coaches, will lead the upcoming classes and are eager to assist you on your wellness journey.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:45 PM - 2:30 PM    LABBB Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM    Argentine Tango Practica Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Saturday May 11, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM    Daoyin Meditation Teaching Program - Daoyin Meditation Teaching Program with Hannah - Spring In Person
Daoyin, an ancient practice dating back 1200 years in China, combines meditation and stretching movements. For our upcoming Daoyin education course, we have integrated the ancient Daoyin techniques with modern medical science, creating a unique program designed by Dr. Jing Liu, Ph.D., an esteemed integrative medical doctor in China. Our Daoyin stretching exercises primarily focus on circular and spiral motions, aiming to improve energy, blood circulation, and overall physical function. Each class will bring you significant health benefits.Established in 2012, the Daoyin Health Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting health and well-being. Our courses have been warmly received by participants over the years. We encourage you to visit our website at for more information. Annie Liu and Hannah Li, highly experienced senior Daoyin coaches, will lead the upcoming classes and are eager to assist you on your wellness journey.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM    Punjabi Culture Club Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Monday May 13, 2024
9:45 AM - 10:40 AM    Fit & Fabulous with Maureen Gaines - Fit & Fabulous Mondays - Spring Hybrid
This class is a total body fitness workout, offering exercises for strength, endurance, balance and flexibility. The class begins with warm up movements and concludes with stretching exercise and opportunities to relax the mind and body. You are encouraged to use free weights, If available (canned goods, water bottles, etc) to enhance strength exercises, and resistance items (stretch bands, tubes, barre balls, small pillow, etc) to enhance exercises. Instructor: Maureen Gaines in person and zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:15 AM - 12:10 PM    Just Move It with Diane Taylor - Just Move It - Spring In Person
Come join us for an hour of upbeat exercise appropriate for adults at all levels. Includes cardio, hand weights, body bar and floor exercise . Finishing with a standing cool down and stretch. All genres of music used. Please wear layered exercise clothes and sneakers or sturdy shoes. Please bring a towel or mat to lay on, a water bottle and a sense of humor.  Instructor: Diane Taylor conducted in person in room 006 at the Community Center.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:00 PM - 1:55 PM    Total Fitness - Total Fitness with Judy - Mondays Spring In Person
Aerobic routines paired with upbeat music make up the first 30 minutes of this class.   Exercises for agility, muscle conditioning, balance and stretching complete the hour.  This workout is challenging yet safe, and easily modified for all fitness levels.  A choreographer and Personal Trainer for over 25 years, Judy selects exercises from varied disciplines including dance, Yoga and Pilates to attain the best all around workout. Class will be taught in person (limited to 20) and remotely by Judy Whitney.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
2:15 PM - 3:10 PM    Forever Fit with Judy Whitney - Forever Fit Winter Session
Being out of shape can mean different things at different ages.  As we get older and muscle loss accelerates, we may begin to notice “we can’t do what we used to do”.  If you are finding you have difficulty bending, walking upstairs, carrying groceries, or are experiencing weight gain, overall fatigue or just slowing down and would like to improve your physical condition, we can help you.  The Forever Fit program will help you develop strength, improve balance, increase flexibility and agility, build endurance, and reduce stress.  There are three components to this program: individual assessments, group instruction and working one-to-one with an expert Personal Trainer who is skilled in determining the best way to achieve mutually agreed upon goals.  We use a variety of fitness disciplines and exercise modifications to empower you to succeed at your appropriate fitness level because getting back in shape can happen at any age!   Over the past eight years, the Dana Home Foundation has generously offered this program to empower their senior citizens to learn how to become stronger, healthier and more physically fit.  This grant has been renewed again due to the recent successes of its participants.  The program is free to Lexington residents over the age of 60. We urge you to seriously consider accepting this gift of wellness to empower you to be Forever Fit! Classes are Monday and Wednesday at 2:15 pm.  One to one sessions will be by appointment only.Register to attend an information meeting on January 22 at 2:30 pm at the Lexington Community Center. Forever Fit Class Registration will open after the meeting. For questions or more information, please contact instructor Judy Whitney at
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
5:45 PM - 6:40 PM    SHiNE Dance Fitness - SHiNE Dance Fitness - Spring Session
SHiNE Dance Fitness™ brings original routines to life using hit music and choreography for all-abilities. Rooted in jazz, ballet, and hip-hop, this workout gives you a creative outlet to escape from daily stress. Each class includes the perfect balance of high cardio and toning to ensure you receive a full-body workout with real results. SHiNE is a mood-lifting experience that leaves you feeling capable, confident, and connected to a supportive community. This is an in person class, taught by Kristin Dean.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
7:00 PM - 7:55 PM    Yoga with Keith Herndon - Yoga Mondays - Spring Hybrid
Join certified instructor Keith Herndon in this physically balancing workout of Yoga on Monday or Wednesday evenings from the comfort of your own home or in our studio. Yoga is famous for harmonizing mind and body through stretching, breathing, deep relaxation, range of movement, and a calm inner focus,  Participants should have a yoga mat and a water bottle. Instructor: Keith Herndon class will be Hybrid, you may join Keith in Room 006 or log in via Zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Tuesday May 14, 2024
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM    Pilates & Barre with Ellen Gaies - Pilates & Barre - Spring Hybrid
Join this fun and challenging workout that includes Pilates floor exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles, Barre exercises to improve your balance, flexibility, and posture, and Yoga stretches for deeper relaxation. Modifications will be provided for all levels of experience and any physical concerns. We will use light weights, resistance/therapy bands, a Pilates ball, mat, and a Ballet Barre or chair.  Ellen Gaies is a certified instructor with over 30 years of teaching fitness classes including Pilates, Barre, Muscle Conditioning, Zumba and Ballet.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:00 AM - 11:55 AM    Seated Strength & Balance with Pearl Pressman - Seated Strength & Balance - Spring Hybrid
This seated class is designed to accommodate individuals of various fitness levels and abilities and can be adapted to meet the particular needs of any of the participants. The class begins with a thorough warm-up for both the joints and the muscles. The warm-up is followed by strength training for all the major muscle groups of the body using hand weights (or household objects) and body weight, as well as a few minutes of standing balance exercises for those who are able. The class concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:00 PM - 12:55 PM    Strength Training with Pearl Pressman - Strength Training Tu/Th - Spring In Person
This 55-minute class will help you build a stronger, more sculpted body, improve posture and balance and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. You will also learn proper weight-training techniques, which is key to success. The class begins with a brief warm-up, followed by strength training exercises for all the major muscle groups of the body, both standing, seated and on the floor, and concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. The class is designed to accommodate participants of all fitness levels and abilities. A chair, athletic shoes, hand weights, an exercise mat, and water are recommended. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom and In Person 
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM    Line Dance with Paul - Line Dance with Paul Tuesdays - Spring In Person
Line dancing is great fun while you improve memory skills, strengthen bones, develop better balance, relieve stress, and put a smile on your face. Each dance is broken down first, demonstrated and then danced to contemporary music that you will enjoy! No need to have a partner, it is something for everyone and no experience is necessary!
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM    Kids and or Teens Combined Martial Arts - Kids Combined Martial Arts - Spring
Come to the Community Center and join instructor Charles Crayton Jr., a 6th-degree black belt with 30 years of experience, for classes in combined martial arts. Come away learning self-defense moves of all kinds, a sharper mind, patience, and self-discipline.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
5:45 PM - 6:45 PM    Kids and or Teens Combined Martial Arts - Combined Martial Arts for Teens
Come to the Community Center and join instructor Charles Crayton Jr., a 6th-degree black belt with 30 years of experience, for classes in combined martial arts. Come away learning self-defense moves of all kinds, a sharper mind, patience, and self-discipline.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Wednesday May 15, 2024
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM    Active Agers Alumni Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
10:00 AM - 10:55 AM    Osteofitness with Beverley Ikier and Kerri Powers - Osteofitness Spring Hybrid
Instructors: OsteofitnessTM is led by two certified and experienced instructors, Ikier and Kerri Powers. Ikier trained with Miriam Nelson and has been teaching this class for twenty years. Ikier is a CPT and BCTMB. She has developed a program that can be performed at any fitness level and modified as needed.Powers is the owner of Fitness Together in Lexington, Massachusetts and brings years education and experience, along with providing detailed instruction for every exercise.Description: OsteofitnessTM is a natural approach to the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. This program is specifically designed to build bone density, and prevent fall and fracture. The recovery rate of an osteoporotic fracture is poor, ranging from needing assistance with ambulation, needing assistance with the tasks of daily living, to a 30 percent mortality rate. Thus, it is essential to take steps to prevent osteoporotic fractures.OsteofitnessTM has proven to be successful in improving bone mineral density (BMD) in osteopenia and osteoporosis, along with preparing seniors to strengthen, and maintain independent and active lifestyles. This holistic approach to osteoporosis treatment includes, specific topics such as targeted strengthening to major osteoporotic sites, instruction for bone health, balance and posture, osteoporosis education, bone-health nutrition, stress management, and personalized instruction from Beverley Ikier.Chronic stress has been shown to inhibit bone growth. Stress reduction and relaxation are taught in every class for this reason. Research has also identified four essential nutrients calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin k are needed to maintain healthy bones. Ikier also teaches how to incorporate these nutrients into your diet, and provides instruction on how to avoid foods unhealthy for bones. OsteofitnessTM Perks: Unlike comparable programs, OsteofitnessTM provides supplemental instruction through the use of perks. These perks include a free 20-minute consultation with Ikier to discuss your bone scan, email coaching from Ikier, four bone-healthy recipes each month, an educational newsletter, two instructional videos you can access on-demand, and bonus material.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:10 AM - 12:05 PM    Zumba Gold with Yachun Lin - Hybrid - Zumba Gold Wednesdays - Spring Hybrid
Zumba Gold is a Latin-inspired dance-fitness party for active older adults, beginners, and anyone who is looking to dance and have a great time without jumping! Easy-to-follow and feel-good routines to international beats. Each routine starts out with basic steps and adds on to each step as the song progresses. This creates the opportunity to add more intensity or lower the intensity level based on each individuals fitness abilities and preferences. Zumba Gold classes focus on building strength, cardiovascular health, balance, coordination, and flexibility. Please wear sturdy sneakers and bring water. Instructor: Yachun Lin conducted via Zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:15 PM - 2:10 PM    Chair Fitness Fun - Chair Fitness Fun with Judy - Spring In Person
Looking to improve your aerobic capacity, but not yet able to stand for long periods of time?  Take a seat for 30 minutes while listening to music that makes you want to dance!  Each class also includes 20 minutes of standing or seated strengthening exercises of the major muscle groups in the body.  We end with a relaxing cool down. This workout is a fun way to improve your overall health. Every class is unique; no two classes are ever the same!  Class will be taught in person (limited to 20) and remotely by Judy Whitney.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
2:15 PM - 3:10 PM    Forever Fit with Judy Whitney - Forever Fit Winter Session
Being out of shape can mean different things at different ages.  As we get older and muscle loss accelerates, we may begin to notice “we can’t do what we used to do”.  If you are finding you have difficulty bending, walking upstairs, carrying groceries, or are experiencing weight gain, overall fatigue or just slowing down and would like to improve your physical condition, we can help you.  The Forever Fit program will help you develop strength, improve balance, increase flexibility and agility, build endurance, and reduce stress.  There are three components to this program: individual assessments, group instruction and working one-to-one with an expert Personal Trainer who is skilled in determining the best way to achieve mutually agreed upon goals.  We use a variety of fitness disciplines and exercise modifications to empower you to succeed at your appropriate fitness level because getting back in shape can happen at any age!   Over the past eight years, the Dana Home Foundation has generously offered this program to empower their senior citizens to learn how to become stronger, healthier and more physically fit.  This grant has been renewed again due to the recent successes of its participants.  The program is free to Lexington residents over the age of 60. We urge you to seriously consider accepting this gift of wellness to empower you to be Forever Fit! Classes are Monday and Wednesday at 2:15 pm.  One to one sessions will be by appointment only.Register to attend an information meeting on January 22 at 2:30 pm at the Lexington Community Center. Forever Fit Class Registration will open after the meeting. For questions or more information, please contact instructor Judy Whitney at
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
7:00 PM - 7:55 PM    Yoga with Keith Herndon - Yoga Wednesdays - Spring Hybrid
Join certified instructor Keith Herndon in this physically balancing workout of Yoga on Monday or Wednesday evenings from the comfort of your own home or in our studio. Yoga is famous for harmonizing mind and body through stretching, breathing, deep relaxation, range of movement, and a calm inner focus,  Participants should have a yoga mat and a water bottle. Instructor: Keith Herndon class will be Hybrid, you may join Keith in Room 006 or log in via Zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Thursday May 16, 2024
9:45 AM - 10:40 AM    Fit & Fabulous with Maureen Gaines - Fit & Fabulous Thursdays - Spring Hybrid
This class is a total body fitness workout, offering exercises for strength, endurance, balance and flexibility. The class begins with warm up movements and concludes with stretching exercise and opportunities to relax the mind and body. You are encouraged to use free weights, If available (canned goods, water bottles, etc) to enhance strength exercises, and resistance items (stretch bands, tubes, barre balls, small pillow, etc) to enhance exercises. Instructor: Maureen Gaines in person and zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:00 AM - 11:55 AM    Seated Strength & Balance with Pearl Pressman - Seated Strength & Balance - Spring Hybrid
This seated class is designed to accommodate individuals of various fitness levels and abilities and can be adapted to meet the particular needs of any of the participants. The class begins with a thorough warm-up for both the joints and the muscles. The warm-up is followed by strength training for all the major muscle groups of the body using hand weights (or household objects) and body weight, as well as a few minutes of standing balance exercises for those who are able. The class concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:00 PM - 12:55 PM    Strength Training with Pearl Pressman - Strength Training Tu/Th - Spring In Person
This 55-minute class will help you build a stronger, more sculpted body, improve posture and balance and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. You will also learn proper weight-training techniques, which is key to success. The class begins with a brief warm-up, followed by strength training exercises for all the major muscle groups of the body, both standing, seated and on the floor, and concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. The class is designed to accommodate participants of all fitness levels and abilities. A chair, athletic shoes, hand weights, an exercise mat, and water are recommended. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom and In Person 
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:00 PM - 1:55 PM    Total Fitness - Total Fitness with Judy - Thursdays Spring In Person
Aerobic routines paired with upbeat music make up the first 30 minutes of this class.   Exercises for agility, muscle conditioning, balance and stretching complete the hour.  This workout is challenging yet safe, and easily modified for all fitness levels.  A choreographer and Personal Trainer for over 25 years, Judy selects exercises from varied disciplines including dance, Yoga and Pilates to attain the best all around workout. Class will be taught in person (limited to 20) and remotely by Judy Whitney.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM    SportsZone 101 Ultimate Nerf Showdown - SportsZone 101 - Ultimate Nerf Showdown, Spring
Come test your individual and team effectiveness as a participant in our Nerf program! This awesome program puts a fresh spin on traditional games like Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, and Zone Wars, while also allowing participants to get great exercise, learn strategic planning skills, and make new battle-tested friends. We use Nerf X-Shot and Nerf Dart style equipment. Participants will play different games throughout the day, with individual and team-based challenges, so there is always something new and exciting to strive for. We will also have all sorts of inflatable bunkers and other fun objects for the students to strategize their missions. NERF SHOWDOWN COURSE: Kids will enjoy our inflatable bunker course which help to protect and hide behind in your missions! All Nerf equipment and obstacles are sanitized before and after use. Kids can bring their own equipment so long as it’s labeled properly! Kids Should Bring: Water, Comfortable Shoes!
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM    Wing Chun Kung Fu - Wing Chun Kung Fu - Spring In Person
Come join our 90 minute class and learn a martial art that is realistic and effective in application and self-defense, but is easy to learn, safe, practical, and fun. Classes start with the basic Sil Nim Tau form, followed by Lat-Sao reflex training, drills, and application. Wing Chun Kung Fu is suitable for all people, regardless of age, physical ability, or previous experience, whether you've been doing martial arts your whole life or you're a beginner. Instructor: Sifu Ken Marden conducted in person.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Friday May 17, 2024
8:45 AM - 9:40 AM    SHiNE LIGHT - SHiNE LIGHT - Spring Session
SHiNE LIGHT is a branch of SHiNE Dance Fitness which specializes in low impact and simplified choreography with a focus on stability and safe ranges of motion. SHiNE LIGHT brings original routines to life using hit music and choreography for all-abilities. Rooted in jazz, ballet and hip-hop, this workout gives you a creative outlet to escape from daily stress. Each class includes the perfect balance of cardio and toning to ensure you receive a full-body workout with real results. SHiNE LIGHT is a mood-lifting experience that leaves you feeling capable, confident, and connected to a supportive community.  This is an in person class, taught by Julie Steinkrauss-Fuhrer.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
10:00 AM - 10:55 AM    Osteofitness with Beverley Ikier and Kerri Powers - Osteofitness Spring Hybrid
Instructors: OsteofitnessTM is led by two certified and experienced instructors, Ikier and Kerri Powers. Ikier trained with Miriam Nelson and has been teaching this class for twenty years. Ikier is a CPT and BCTMB. She has developed a program that can be performed at any fitness level and modified as needed.Powers is the owner of Fitness Together in Lexington, Massachusetts and brings years education and experience, along with providing detailed instruction for every exercise.Description: OsteofitnessTM is a natural approach to the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. This program is specifically designed to build bone density, and prevent fall and fracture. The recovery rate of an osteoporotic fracture is poor, ranging from needing assistance with ambulation, needing assistance with the tasks of daily living, to a 30 percent mortality rate. Thus, it is essential to take steps to prevent osteoporotic fractures.OsteofitnessTM has proven to be successful in improving bone mineral density (BMD) in osteopenia and osteoporosis, along with preparing seniors to strengthen, and maintain independent and active lifestyles. This holistic approach to osteoporosis treatment includes, specific topics such as targeted strengthening to major osteoporotic sites, instruction for bone health, balance and posture, osteoporosis education, bone-health nutrition, stress management, and personalized instruction from Beverley Ikier.Chronic stress has been shown to inhibit bone growth. Stress reduction and relaxation are taught in every class for this reason. Research has also identified four essential nutrients calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin k are needed to maintain healthy bones. Ikier also teaches how to incorporate these nutrients into your diet, and provides instruction on how to avoid foods unhealthy for bones. OsteofitnessTM Perks: Unlike comparable programs, OsteofitnessTM provides supplemental instruction through the use of perks. These perks include a free 20-minute consultation with Ikier to discuss your bone scan, email coaching from Ikier, four bone-healthy recipes each month, an educational newsletter, two instructional videos you can access on-demand, and bonus material.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM    Daoyin Meditation Teaching Program - Daoyin Meditation Teaching Program with Annie - Spring In Person
Daoyin, an ancient practice dating back 1200 years in China, combines meditation and stretching movements. For our upcoming Daoyin education course, we have integrated the ancient Daoyin techniques with modern medical science, creating a unique program designed by Dr. Jing Liu, Ph.D., an esteemed integrative medical doctor in China. Our Daoyin stretching exercises primarily focus on circular and spiral motions, aiming to improve energy, blood circulation, and overall physical function. Each class will bring you significant health benefits.Established in 2012, the Daoyin Health Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting health and well-being. Our courses have been warmly received by participants over the years. We encourage you to visit our website at for more information. Annie Liu and Hannah Li, highly experienced senior Daoyin coaches, will lead the upcoming classes and are eager to assist you on your wellness journey.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:45 PM - 2:30 PM    Intergenerational Drums Alive with Yachun - Intergenerational Drums Alive
Drums Alive combines exercise with rhythm and movement in a fun and upbeat setting.  Drums Alive uses stability balls to create a unique drumming experience that has been shown to benefit individuals physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.  Led by Yachun Lin.  All abilities welcome.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:45 PM - 2:30 PM    LABBB Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
3:30 PM - 7:00 PM    Science Olympiad Team Meeting Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Saturday May 18, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM    Daoyin Meditation Teaching Program - Daoyin Meditation Teaching Program with Hannah - Spring In Person
Daoyin, an ancient practice dating back 1200 years in China, combines meditation and stretching movements. For our upcoming Daoyin education course, we have integrated the ancient Daoyin techniques with modern medical science, creating a unique program designed by Dr. Jing Liu, Ph.D., an esteemed integrative medical doctor in China. Our Daoyin stretching exercises primarily focus on circular and spiral motions, aiming to improve energy, blood circulation, and overall physical function. Each class will bring you significant health benefits.Established in 2012, the Daoyin Health Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting health and well-being. Our courses have been warmly received by participants over the years. We encourage you to visit our website at for more information. Annie Liu and Hannah Li, highly experienced senior Daoyin coaches, will lead the upcoming classes and are eager to assist you on your wellness journey.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM    Punjabi Culture Club Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Monday May 20, 2024
9:45 AM - 10:40 AM    Fit & Fabulous with Maureen Gaines - Fit & Fabulous Mondays - Spring Hybrid
This class is a total body fitness workout, offering exercises for strength, endurance, balance and flexibility. The class begins with warm up movements and concludes with stretching exercise and opportunities to relax the mind and body. You are encouraged to use free weights, If available (canned goods, water bottles, etc) to enhance strength exercises, and resistance items (stretch bands, tubes, barre balls, small pillow, etc) to enhance exercises. Instructor: Maureen Gaines in person and zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:15 AM - 12:10 PM    Just Move It with Diane Taylor - Just Move It - Spring In Person
Come join us for an hour of upbeat exercise appropriate for adults at all levels. Includes cardio, hand weights, body bar and floor exercise . Finishing with a standing cool down and stretch. All genres of music used. Please wear layered exercise clothes and sneakers or sturdy shoes. Please bring a towel or mat to lay on, a water bottle and a sense of humor.  Instructor: Diane Taylor conducted in person in room 006 at the Community Center.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:00 PM - 1:55 PM    Total Fitness - Total Fitness with Judy - Mondays Spring In Person
Aerobic routines paired with upbeat music make up the first 30 minutes of this class.   Exercises for agility, muscle conditioning, balance and stretching complete the hour.  This workout is challenging yet safe, and easily modified for all fitness levels.  A choreographer and Personal Trainer for over 25 years, Judy selects exercises from varied disciplines including dance, Yoga and Pilates to attain the best all around workout. Class will be taught in person (limited to 20) and remotely by Judy Whitney.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
2:15 PM - 3:10 PM    Forever Fit with Judy Whitney - Forever Fit Winter Session
Being out of shape can mean different things at different ages.  As we get older and muscle loss accelerates, we may begin to notice “we can’t do what we used to do”.  If you are finding you have difficulty bending, walking upstairs, carrying groceries, or are experiencing weight gain, overall fatigue or just slowing down and would like to improve your physical condition, we can help you.  The Forever Fit program will help you develop strength, improve balance, increase flexibility and agility, build endurance, and reduce stress.  There are three components to this program: individual assessments, group instruction and working one-to-one with an expert Personal Trainer who is skilled in determining the best way to achieve mutually agreed upon goals.  We use a variety of fitness disciplines and exercise modifications to empower you to succeed at your appropriate fitness level because getting back in shape can happen at any age!   Over the past eight years, the Dana Home Foundation has generously offered this program to empower their senior citizens to learn how to become stronger, healthier and more physically fit.  This grant has been renewed again due to the recent successes of its participants.  The program is free to Lexington residents over the age of 60. We urge you to seriously consider accepting this gift of wellness to empower you to be Forever Fit! Classes are Monday and Wednesday at 2:15 pm.  One to one sessions will be by appointment only.Register to attend an information meeting on January 22 at 2:30 pm at the Lexington Community Center. Forever Fit Class Registration will open after the meeting. For questions or more information, please contact instructor Judy Whitney at
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
5:45 PM - 6:40 PM    SHiNE Dance Fitness - SHiNE Dance Fitness - Spring Session
SHiNE Dance Fitness™ brings original routines to life using hit music and choreography for all-abilities. Rooted in jazz, ballet, and hip-hop, this workout gives you a creative outlet to escape from daily stress. Each class includes the perfect balance of high cardio and toning to ensure you receive a full-body workout with real results. SHiNE is a mood-lifting experience that leaves you feeling capable, confident, and connected to a supportive community. This is an in person class, taught by Kristin Dean.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
7:00 PM - 7:55 PM    Yoga with Keith Herndon - Yoga Mondays - Spring Hybrid
Join certified instructor Keith Herndon in this physically balancing workout of Yoga on Monday or Wednesday evenings from the comfort of your own home or in our studio. Yoga is famous for harmonizing mind and body through stretching, breathing, deep relaxation, range of movement, and a calm inner focus,  Participants should have a yoga mat and a water bottle. Instructor: Keith Herndon class will be Hybrid, you may join Keith in Room 006 or log in via Zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Tuesday May 21, 2024
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM    Pilates & Barre with Ellen Gaies - Pilates & Barre - Spring Hybrid
Join this fun and challenging workout that includes Pilates floor exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles, Barre exercises to improve your balance, flexibility, and posture, and Yoga stretches for deeper relaxation. Modifications will be provided for all levels of experience and any physical concerns. We will use light weights, resistance/therapy bands, a Pilates ball, mat, and a Ballet Barre or chair.  Ellen Gaies is a certified instructor with over 30 years of teaching fitness classes including Pilates, Barre, Muscle Conditioning, Zumba and Ballet.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:00 AM - 11:55 AM    Seated Strength & Balance with Pearl Pressman - Seated Strength & Balance - Spring Hybrid
This seated class is designed to accommodate individuals of various fitness levels and abilities and can be adapted to meet the particular needs of any of the participants. The class begins with a thorough warm-up for both the joints and the muscles. The warm-up is followed by strength training for all the major muscle groups of the body using hand weights (or household objects) and body weight, as well as a few minutes of standing balance exercises for those who are able. The class concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:00 PM - 12:55 PM    Strength Training with Pearl Pressman - Strength Training Tu/Th - Spring In Person
This 55-minute class will help you build a stronger, more sculpted body, improve posture and balance and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. You will also learn proper weight-training techniques, which is key to success. The class begins with a brief warm-up, followed by strength training exercises for all the major muscle groups of the body, both standing, seated and on the floor, and concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. The class is designed to accommodate participants of all fitness levels and abilities. A chair, athletic shoes, hand weights, an exercise mat, and water are recommended. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom and In Person 
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM    Line Dance with Paul - Line Dance with Paul Tuesdays - Spring In Person
Line dancing is great fun while you improve memory skills, strengthen bones, develop better balance, relieve stress, and put a smile on your face. Each dance is broken down first, demonstrated and then danced to contemporary music that you will enjoy! No need to have a partner, it is something for everyone and no experience is necessary!
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM    Kids and or Teens Combined Martial Arts - Kids Combined Martial Arts - Spring
Come to the Community Center and join instructor Charles Crayton Jr., a 6th-degree black belt with 30 years of experience, for classes in combined martial arts. Come away learning self-defense moves of all kinds, a sharper mind, patience, and self-discipline.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
5:45 PM - 6:45 PM    Kids and or Teens Combined Martial Arts - Combined Martial Arts for Teens
Come to the Community Center and join instructor Charles Crayton Jr., a 6th-degree black belt with 30 years of experience, for classes in combined martial arts. Come away learning self-defense moves of all kinds, a sharper mind, patience, and self-discipline.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Wednesday May 22, 2024
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM    Active Agers Alumni Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
10:00 AM - 10:55 AM    Osteofitness with Beverley Ikier and Kerri Powers - Osteofitness Spring Hybrid
Instructors: OsteofitnessTM is led by two certified and experienced instructors, Ikier and Kerri Powers. Ikier trained with Miriam Nelson and has been teaching this class for twenty years. Ikier is a CPT and BCTMB. She has developed a program that can be performed at any fitness level and modified as needed.Powers is the owner of Fitness Together in Lexington, Massachusetts and brings years education and experience, along with providing detailed instruction for every exercise.Description: OsteofitnessTM is a natural approach to the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. This program is specifically designed to build bone density, and prevent fall and fracture. The recovery rate of an osteoporotic fracture is poor, ranging from needing assistance with ambulation, needing assistance with the tasks of daily living, to a 30 percent mortality rate. Thus, it is essential to take steps to prevent osteoporotic fractures.OsteofitnessTM has proven to be successful in improving bone mineral density (BMD) in osteopenia and osteoporosis, along with preparing seniors to strengthen, and maintain independent and active lifestyles. This holistic approach to osteoporosis treatment includes, specific topics such as targeted strengthening to major osteoporotic sites, instruction for bone health, balance and posture, osteoporosis education, bone-health nutrition, stress management, and personalized instruction from Beverley Ikier.Chronic stress has been shown to inhibit bone growth. Stress reduction and relaxation are taught in every class for this reason. Research has also identified four essential nutrients calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin k are needed to maintain healthy bones. Ikier also teaches how to incorporate these nutrients into your diet, and provides instruction on how to avoid foods unhealthy for bones. OsteofitnessTM Perks: Unlike comparable programs, OsteofitnessTM provides supplemental instruction through the use of perks. These perks include a free 20-minute consultation with Ikier to discuss your bone scan, email coaching from Ikier, four bone-healthy recipes each month, an educational newsletter, two instructional videos you can access on-demand, and bonus material.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:10 AM - 12:05 PM    Zumba Gold with Yachun Lin - Hybrid - Zumba Gold Wednesdays - Spring Hybrid
Zumba Gold is a Latin-inspired dance-fitness party for active older adults, beginners, and anyone who is looking to dance and have a great time without jumping! Easy-to-follow and feel-good routines to international beats. Each routine starts out with basic steps and adds on to each step as the song progresses. This creates the opportunity to add more intensity or lower the intensity level based on each individuals fitness abilities and preferences. Zumba Gold classes focus on building strength, cardiovascular health, balance, coordination, and flexibility. Please wear sturdy sneakers and bring water. Instructor: Yachun Lin conducted via Zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:15 PM - 2:10 PM    Chair Fitness Fun - Chair Fitness Fun with Judy - Spring In Person
Looking to improve your aerobic capacity, but not yet able to stand for long periods of time?  Take a seat for 30 minutes while listening to music that makes you want to dance!  Each class also includes 20 minutes of standing or seated strengthening exercises of the major muscle groups in the body.  We end with a relaxing cool down. This workout is a fun way to improve your overall health. Every class is unique; no two classes are ever the same!  Class will be taught in person (limited to 20) and remotely by Judy Whitney.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
2:15 PM - 3:10 PM    Forever Fit with Judy Whitney - Forever Fit Winter Session
Being out of shape can mean different things at different ages.  As we get older and muscle loss accelerates, we may begin to notice “we can’t do what we used to do”.  If you are finding you have difficulty bending, walking upstairs, carrying groceries, or are experiencing weight gain, overall fatigue or just slowing down and would like to improve your physical condition, we can help you.  The Forever Fit program will help you develop strength, improve balance, increase flexibility and agility, build endurance, and reduce stress.  There are three components to this program: individual assessments, group instruction and working one-to-one with an expert Personal Trainer who is skilled in determining the best way to achieve mutually agreed upon goals.  We use a variety of fitness disciplines and exercise modifications to empower you to succeed at your appropriate fitness level because getting back in shape can happen at any age!   Over the past eight years, the Dana Home Foundation has generously offered this program to empower their senior citizens to learn how to become stronger, healthier and more physically fit.  This grant has been renewed again due to the recent successes of its participants.  The program is free to Lexington residents over the age of 60. We urge you to seriously consider accepting this gift of wellness to empower you to be Forever Fit! Classes are Monday and Wednesday at 2:15 pm.  One to one sessions will be by appointment only.Register to attend an information meeting on January 22 at 2:30 pm at the Lexington Community Center. Forever Fit Class Registration will open after the meeting. For questions or more information, please contact instructor Judy Whitney at
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Thursday May 23, 2024
9:45 AM - 10:40 AM    Fit & Fabulous with Maureen Gaines - Fit & Fabulous Thursdays - Spring Hybrid
This class is a total body fitness workout, offering exercises for strength, endurance, balance and flexibility. The class begins with warm up movements and concludes with stretching exercise and opportunities to relax the mind and body. You are encouraged to use free weights, If available (canned goods, water bottles, etc) to enhance strength exercises, and resistance items (stretch bands, tubes, barre balls, small pillow, etc) to enhance exercises. Instructor: Maureen Gaines in person and zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:00 AM - 11:55 AM    Seated Strength & Balance with Pearl Pressman - Seated Strength & Balance - Spring Hybrid
This seated class is designed to accommodate individuals of various fitness levels and abilities and can be adapted to meet the particular needs of any of the participants. The class begins with a thorough warm-up for both the joints and the muscles. The warm-up is followed by strength training for all the major muscle groups of the body using hand weights (or household objects) and body weight, as well as a few minutes of standing balance exercises for those who are able. The class concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:00 PM - 12:55 PM    Strength Training with Pearl Pressman - Strength Training Tu/Th - Spring In Person
This 55-minute class will help you build a stronger, more sculpted body, improve posture and balance and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. You will also learn proper weight-training techniques, which is key to success. The class begins with a brief warm-up, followed by strength training exercises for all the major muscle groups of the body, both standing, seated and on the floor, and concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. The class is designed to accommodate participants of all fitness levels and abilities. A chair, athletic shoes, hand weights, an exercise mat, and water are recommended. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom and In Person 
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:00 PM - 1:55 PM    Total Fitness - Total Fitness with Judy - Thursdays Spring In Person
Aerobic routines paired with upbeat music make up the first 30 minutes of this class.   Exercises for agility, muscle conditioning, balance and stretching complete the hour.  This workout is challenging yet safe, and easily modified for all fitness levels.  A choreographer and Personal Trainer for over 25 years, Judy selects exercises from varied disciplines including dance, Yoga and Pilates to attain the best all around workout. Class will be taught in person (limited to 20) and remotely by Judy Whitney.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM    SportsZone 101 Ultimate Nerf Showdown - SportsZone 101 - Ultimate Nerf Showdown, Spring
Come test your individual and team effectiveness as a participant in our Nerf program! This awesome program puts a fresh spin on traditional games like Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, and Zone Wars, while also allowing participants to get great exercise, learn strategic planning skills, and make new battle-tested friends. We use Nerf X-Shot and Nerf Dart style equipment. Participants will play different games throughout the day, with individual and team-based challenges, so there is always something new and exciting to strive for. We will also have all sorts of inflatable bunkers and other fun objects for the students to strategize their missions. NERF SHOWDOWN COURSE: Kids will enjoy our inflatable bunker course which help to protect and hide behind in your missions! All Nerf equipment and obstacles are sanitized before and after use. Kids can bring their own equipment so long as it’s labeled properly! Kids Should Bring: Water, Comfortable Shoes!
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM    Wing Chun Kung Fu - Wing Chun Kung Fu - Spring In Person
Come join our 90 minute class and learn a martial art that is realistic and effective in application and self-defense, but is easy to learn, safe, practical, and fun. Classes start with the basic Sil Nim Tau form, followed by Lat-Sao reflex training, drills, and application. Wing Chun Kung Fu is suitable for all people, regardless of age, physical ability, or previous experience, whether you've been doing martial arts your whole life or you're a beginner. Instructor: Sifu Ken Marden conducted in person.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Friday May 24, 2024
8:45 AM - 9:40 AM    SHiNE LIGHT - SHiNE LIGHT - Spring Session
SHiNE LIGHT is a branch of SHiNE Dance Fitness which specializes in low impact and simplified choreography with a focus on stability and safe ranges of motion. SHiNE LIGHT brings original routines to life using hit music and choreography for all-abilities. Rooted in jazz, ballet and hip-hop, this workout gives you a creative outlet to escape from daily stress. Each class includes the perfect balance of cardio and toning to ensure you receive a full-body workout with real results. SHiNE LIGHT is a mood-lifting experience that leaves you feeling capable, confident, and connected to a supportive community.  This is an in person class, taught by Julie Steinkrauss-Fuhrer.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
10:00 AM - 10:55 AM    Osteofitness with Beverley Ikier and Kerri Powers - Osteofitness Spring Hybrid
Instructors: OsteofitnessTM is led by two certified and experienced instructors, Ikier and Kerri Powers. Ikier trained with Miriam Nelson and has been teaching this class for twenty years. Ikier is a CPT and BCTMB. She has developed a program that can be performed at any fitness level and modified as needed.Powers is the owner of Fitness Together in Lexington, Massachusetts and brings years education and experience, along with providing detailed instruction for every exercise.Description: OsteofitnessTM is a natural approach to the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. This program is specifically designed to build bone density, and prevent fall and fracture. The recovery rate of an osteoporotic fracture is poor, ranging from needing assistance with ambulation, needing assistance with the tasks of daily living, to a 30 percent mortality rate. Thus, it is essential to take steps to prevent osteoporotic fractures.OsteofitnessTM has proven to be successful in improving bone mineral density (BMD) in osteopenia and osteoporosis, along with preparing seniors to strengthen, and maintain independent and active lifestyles. This holistic approach to osteoporosis treatment includes, specific topics such as targeted strengthening to major osteoporotic sites, instruction for bone health, balance and posture, osteoporosis education, bone-health nutrition, stress management, and personalized instruction from Beverley Ikier.Chronic stress has been shown to inhibit bone growth. Stress reduction and relaxation are taught in every class for this reason. Research has also identified four essential nutrients calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin k are needed to maintain healthy bones. Ikier also teaches how to incorporate these nutrients into your diet, and provides instruction on how to avoid foods unhealthy for bones. OsteofitnessTM Perks: Unlike comparable programs, OsteofitnessTM provides supplemental instruction through the use of perks. These perks include a free 20-minute consultation with Ikier to discuss your bone scan, email coaching from Ikier, four bone-healthy recipes each month, an educational newsletter, two instructional videos you can access on-demand, and bonus material.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM    Daoyin Meditation Teaching Program - Daoyin Meditation Teaching Program with Annie - Spring In Person
Daoyin, an ancient practice dating back 1200 years in China, combines meditation and stretching movements. For our upcoming Daoyin education course, we have integrated the ancient Daoyin techniques with modern medical science, creating a unique program designed by Dr. Jing Liu, Ph.D., an esteemed integrative medical doctor in China. Our Daoyin stretching exercises primarily focus on circular and spiral motions, aiming to improve energy, blood circulation, and overall physical function. Each class will bring you significant health benefits.Established in 2012, the Daoyin Health Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting health and well-being. Our courses have been warmly received by participants over the years. We encourage you to visit our website at for more information. Annie Liu and Hannah Li, highly experienced senior Daoyin coaches, will lead the upcoming classes and are eager to assist you on your wellness journey.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:45 PM - 2:30 PM    Intergenerational Drums Alive with Yachun - Intergenerational Drums Alive
Drums Alive combines exercise with rhythm and movement in a fun and upbeat setting.  Drums Alive uses stability balls to create a unique drumming experience that has been shown to benefit individuals physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.  Led by Yachun Lin.  All abilities welcome.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:45 PM - 2:30 PM    LABBB Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
3:30 PM - 7:00 PM    Science Olympiad Team Meeting Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Saturday May 25, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM    Daoyin Meditation Teaching Program - Daoyin Meditation Teaching Program with Hannah - Spring In Person
Daoyin, an ancient practice dating back 1200 years in China, combines meditation and stretching movements. For our upcoming Daoyin education course, we have integrated the ancient Daoyin techniques with modern medical science, creating a unique program designed by Dr. Jing Liu, Ph.D., an esteemed integrative medical doctor in China. Our Daoyin stretching exercises primarily focus on circular and spiral motions, aiming to improve energy, blood circulation, and overall physical function. Each class will bring you significant health benefits.Established in 2012, the Daoyin Health Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting health and well-being. Our courses have been warmly received by participants over the years. We encourage you to visit our website at for more information. Annie Liu and Hannah Li, highly experienced senior Daoyin coaches, will lead the upcoming classes and are eager to assist you on your wellness journey.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM    Punjabi Culture Club Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Tuesday May 28, 2024
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM    Pilates & Barre with Ellen Gaies - Pilates & Barre - Spring Hybrid
Join this fun and challenging workout that includes Pilates floor exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles, Barre exercises to improve your balance, flexibility, and posture, and Yoga stretches for deeper relaxation. Modifications will be provided for all levels of experience and any physical concerns. We will use light weights, resistance/therapy bands, a Pilates ball, mat, and a Ballet Barre or chair.  Ellen Gaies is a certified instructor with over 30 years of teaching fitness classes including Pilates, Barre, Muscle Conditioning, Zumba and Ballet.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:00 AM - 11:55 AM    Seated Strength & Balance with Pearl Pressman - Seated Strength & Balance - Spring Hybrid
This seated class is designed to accommodate individuals of various fitness levels and abilities and can be adapted to meet the particular needs of any of the participants. The class begins with a thorough warm-up for both the joints and the muscles. The warm-up is followed by strength training for all the major muscle groups of the body using hand weights (or household objects) and body weight, as well as a few minutes of standing balance exercises for those who are able. The class concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:00 PM - 12:55 PM    Strength Training with Pearl Pressman - Strength Training Tu/Th - Spring In Person
This 55-minute class will help you build a stronger, more sculpted body, improve posture and balance and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. You will also learn proper weight-training techniques, which is key to success. The class begins with a brief warm-up, followed by strength training exercises for all the major muscle groups of the body, both standing, seated and on the floor, and concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. The class is designed to accommodate participants of all fitness levels and abilities. A chair, athletic shoes, hand weights, an exercise mat, and water are recommended. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom and In Person 
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM    Line Dance with Paul - Line Dance with Paul Tuesdays - Spring In Person
Line dancing is great fun while you improve memory skills, strengthen bones, develop better balance, relieve stress, and put a smile on your face. Each dance is broken down first, demonstrated and then danced to contemporary music that you will enjoy! No need to have a partner, it is something for everyone and no experience is necessary!
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM    Kids and or Teens Combined Martial Arts - Kids Combined Martial Arts - Spring
Come to the Community Center and join instructor Charles Crayton Jr., a 6th-degree black belt with 30 years of experience, for classes in combined martial arts. Come away learning self-defense moves of all kinds, a sharper mind, patience, and self-discipline.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
5:45 PM - 6:45 PM    Kids and or Teens Combined Martial Arts - Combined Martial Arts for Teens
Come to the Community Center and join instructor Charles Crayton Jr., a 6th-degree black belt with 30 years of experience, for classes in combined martial arts. Come away learning self-defense moves of all kinds, a sharper mind, patience, and self-discipline.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Wednesday May 29, 2024
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM    Active Agers Alumni Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
10:00 AM - 10:55 AM    Osteofitness with Beverley Ikier and Kerri Powers - Osteofitness Spring Hybrid
Instructors: OsteofitnessTM is led by two certified and experienced instructors, Ikier and Kerri Powers. Ikier trained with Miriam Nelson and has been teaching this class for twenty years. Ikier is a CPT and BCTMB. She has developed a program that can be performed at any fitness level and modified as needed.Powers is the owner of Fitness Together in Lexington, Massachusetts and brings years education and experience, along with providing detailed instruction for every exercise.Description: OsteofitnessTM is a natural approach to the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. This program is specifically designed to build bone density, and prevent fall and fracture. The recovery rate of an osteoporotic fracture is poor, ranging from needing assistance with ambulation, needing assistance with the tasks of daily living, to a 30 percent mortality rate. Thus, it is essential to take steps to prevent osteoporotic fractures.OsteofitnessTM has proven to be successful in improving bone mineral density (BMD) in osteopenia and osteoporosis, along with preparing seniors to strengthen, and maintain independent and active lifestyles. This holistic approach to osteoporosis treatment includes, specific topics such as targeted strengthening to major osteoporotic sites, instruction for bone health, balance and posture, osteoporosis education, bone-health nutrition, stress management, and personalized instruction from Beverley Ikier.Chronic stress has been shown to inhibit bone growth. Stress reduction and relaxation are taught in every class for this reason. Research has also identified four essential nutrients calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin k are needed to maintain healthy bones. Ikier also teaches how to incorporate these nutrients into your diet, and provides instruction on how to avoid foods unhealthy for bones. OsteofitnessTM Perks: Unlike comparable programs, OsteofitnessTM provides supplemental instruction through the use of perks. These perks include a free 20-minute consultation with Ikier to discuss your bone scan, email coaching from Ikier, four bone-healthy recipes each month, an educational newsletter, two instructional videos you can access on-demand, and bonus material.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:10 AM - 12:05 PM    Zumba Gold with Yachun Lin - Hybrid - Zumba Gold Wednesdays - Spring Hybrid
Zumba Gold is a Latin-inspired dance-fitness party for active older adults, beginners, and anyone who is looking to dance and have a great time without jumping! Easy-to-follow and feel-good routines to international beats. Each routine starts out with basic steps and adds on to each step as the song progresses. This creates the opportunity to add more intensity or lower the intensity level based on each individuals fitness abilities and preferences. Zumba Gold classes focus on building strength, cardiovascular health, balance, coordination, and flexibility. Please wear sturdy sneakers and bring water. Instructor: Yachun Lin conducted via Zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
2:15 PM - 3:10 PM    Forever Fit with Judy Whitney - Forever Fit Winter Session
Being out of shape can mean different things at different ages.  As we get older and muscle loss accelerates, we may begin to notice “we can’t do what we used to do”.  If you are finding you have difficulty bending, walking upstairs, carrying groceries, or are experiencing weight gain, overall fatigue or just slowing down and would like to improve your physical condition, we can help you.  The Forever Fit program will help you develop strength, improve balance, increase flexibility and agility, build endurance, and reduce stress.  There are three components to this program: individual assessments, group instruction and working one-to-one with an expert Personal Trainer who is skilled in determining the best way to achieve mutually agreed upon goals.  We use a variety of fitness disciplines and exercise modifications to empower you to succeed at your appropriate fitness level because getting back in shape can happen at any age!   Over the past eight years, the Dana Home Foundation has generously offered this program to empower their senior citizens to learn how to become stronger, healthier and more physically fit.  This grant has been renewed again due to the recent successes of its participants.  The program is free to Lexington residents over the age of 60. We urge you to seriously consider accepting this gift of wellness to empower you to be Forever Fit! Classes are Monday and Wednesday at 2:15 pm.  One to one sessions will be by appointment only.Register to attend an information meeting on January 22 at 2:30 pm at the Lexington Community Center. Forever Fit Class Registration will open after the meeting. For questions or more information, please contact instructor Judy Whitney at
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
7:00 PM - 7:55 PM    Yoga with Keith Herndon - Yoga Wednesdays - Spring Hybrid
Join certified instructor Keith Herndon in this physically balancing workout of Yoga on Monday or Wednesday evenings from the comfort of your own home or in our studio. Yoga is famous for harmonizing mind and body through stretching, breathing, deep relaxation, range of movement, and a calm inner focus,  Participants should have a yoga mat and a water bottle. Instructor: Keith Herndon class will be Hybrid, you may join Keith in Room 006 or log in via Zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Thursday May 30, 2024
9:45 AM - 10:40 AM    Fit & Fabulous with Maureen Gaines - Fit & Fabulous Thursdays - Spring Hybrid
This class is a total body fitness workout, offering exercises for strength, endurance, balance and flexibility. The class begins with warm up movements and concludes with stretching exercise and opportunities to relax the mind and body. You are encouraged to use free weights, If available (canned goods, water bottles, etc) to enhance strength exercises, and resistance items (stretch bands, tubes, barre balls, small pillow, etc) to enhance exercises. Instructor: Maureen Gaines in person and zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:00 AM - 11:55 AM    Seated Strength & Balance with Pearl Pressman - Seated Strength & Balance - Spring Hybrid
This seated class is designed to accommodate individuals of various fitness levels and abilities and can be adapted to meet the particular needs of any of the participants. The class begins with a thorough warm-up for both the joints and the muscles. The warm-up is followed by strength training for all the major muscle groups of the body using hand weights (or household objects) and body weight, as well as a few minutes of standing balance exercises for those who are able. The class concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:00 PM - 12:55 PM    Strength Training with Pearl Pressman - Strength Training Tu/Th - Spring In Person
This 55-minute class will help you build a stronger, more sculpted body, improve posture and balance and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. You will also learn proper weight-training techniques, which is key to success. The class begins with a brief warm-up, followed by strength training exercises for all the major muscle groups of the body, both standing, seated and on the floor, and concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. The class is designed to accommodate participants of all fitness levels and abilities. A chair, athletic shoes, hand weights, an exercise mat, and water are recommended. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom and In Person 
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM    SportsZone 101 Ultimate Nerf Showdown - SportsZone 101 - Ultimate Nerf Showdown, Spring
Come test your individual and team effectiveness as a participant in our Nerf program! This awesome program puts a fresh spin on traditional games like Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, and Zone Wars, while also allowing participants to get great exercise, learn strategic planning skills, and make new battle-tested friends. We use Nerf X-Shot and Nerf Dart style equipment. Participants will play different games throughout the day, with individual and team-based challenges, so there is always something new and exciting to strive for. We will also have all sorts of inflatable bunkers and other fun objects for the students to strategize their missions. NERF SHOWDOWN COURSE: Kids will enjoy our inflatable bunker course which help to protect and hide behind in your missions! All Nerf equipment and obstacles are sanitized before and after use. Kids can bring their own equipment so long as it’s labeled properly! Kids Should Bring: Water, Comfortable Shoes!
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM    Wing Chun Kung Fu - Wing Chun Kung Fu - Spring In Person
Come join our 90 minute class and learn a martial art that is realistic and effective in application and self-defense, but is easy to learn, safe, practical, and fun. Classes start with the basic Sil Nim Tau form, followed by Lat-Sao reflex training, drills, and application. Wing Chun Kung Fu is suitable for all people, regardless of age, physical ability, or previous experience, whether you've been doing martial arts your whole life or you're a beginner. Instructor: Sifu Ken Marden conducted in person.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Friday May 31, 2024
8:45 AM - 9:40 AM    SHiNE LIGHT - SHiNE LIGHT - Spring Session
SHiNE LIGHT is a branch of SHiNE Dance Fitness which specializes in low impact and simplified choreography with a focus on stability and safe ranges of motion. SHiNE LIGHT brings original routines to life using hit music and choreography for all-abilities. Rooted in jazz, ballet and hip-hop, this workout gives you a creative outlet to escape from daily stress. Each class includes the perfect balance of cardio and toning to ensure you receive a full-body workout with real results. SHiNE LIGHT is a mood-lifting experience that leaves you feeling capable, confident, and connected to a supportive community.  This is an in person class, taught by Julie Steinkrauss-Fuhrer.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
10:00 AM - 10:55 AM    Osteofitness with Beverley Ikier and Kerri Powers - Osteofitness Spring Hybrid
Instructors: OsteofitnessTM is led by two certified and experienced instructors, Ikier and Kerri Powers. Ikier trained with Miriam Nelson and has been teaching this class for twenty years. Ikier is a CPT and BCTMB. She has developed a program that can be performed at any fitness level and modified as needed.Powers is the owner of Fitness Together in Lexington, Massachusetts and brings years education and experience, along with providing detailed instruction for every exercise.Description: OsteofitnessTM is a natural approach to the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. This program is specifically designed to build bone density, and prevent fall and fracture. The recovery rate of an osteoporotic fracture is poor, ranging from needing assistance with ambulation, needing assistance with the tasks of daily living, to a 30 percent mortality rate. Thus, it is essential to take steps to prevent osteoporotic fractures.OsteofitnessTM has proven to be successful in improving bone mineral density (BMD) in osteopenia and osteoporosis, along with preparing seniors to strengthen, and maintain independent and active lifestyles. This holistic approach to osteoporosis treatment includes, specific topics such as targeted strengthening to major osteoporotic sites, instruction for bone health, balance and posture, osteoporosis education, bone-health nutrition, stress management, and personalized instruction from Beverley Ikier.Chronic stress has been shown to inhibit bone growth. Stress reduction and relaxation are taught in every class for this reason. Research has also identified four essential nutrients calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin k are needed to maintain healthy bones. Ikier also teaches how to incorporate these nutrients into your diet, and provides instruction on how to avoid foods unhealthy for bones. OsteofitnessTM Perks: Unlike comparable programs, OsteofitnessTM provides supplemental instruction through the use of perks. These perks include a free 20-minute consultation with Ikier to discuss your bone scan, email coaching from Ikier, four bone-healthy recipes each month, an educational newsletter, two instructional videos you can access on-demand, and bonus material.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM    Daoyin Meditation Teaching Program - Daoyin Meditation Teaching Program with Annie - Spring In Person
Daoyin, an ancient practice dating back 1200 years in China, combines meditation and stretching movements. For our upcoming Daoyin education course, we have integrated the ancient Daoyin techniques with modern medical science, creating a unique program designed by Dr. Jing Liu, Ph.D., an esteemed integrative medical doctor in China. Our Daoyin stretching exercises primarily focus on circular and spiral motions, aiming to improve energy, blood circulation, and overall physical function. Each class will bring you significant health benefits.Established in 2012, the Daoyin Health Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting health and well-being. Our courses have been warmly received by participants over the years. We encourage you to visit our website at for more information. Annie Liu and Hannah Li, highly experienced senior Daoyin coaches, will lead the upcoming classes and are eager to assist you on your wellness journey.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:45 PM - 2:30 PM    LABBB Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Saturday June 1, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM    Daoyin Meditation Teaching Program - Daoyin Meditation Teaching Program with Hannah - Spring In Person
Daoyin, an ancient practice dating back 1200 years in China, combines meditation and stretching movements. For our upcoming Daoyin education course, we have integrated the ancient Daoyin techniques with modern medical science, creating a unique program designed by Dr. Jing Liu, Ph.D., an esteemed integrative medical doctor in China. Our Daoyin stretching exercises primarily focus on circular and spiral motions, aiming to improve energy, blood circulation, and overall physical function. Each class will bring you significant health benefits.Established in 2012, the Daoyin Health Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting health and well-being. Our courses have been warmly received by participants over the years. We encourage you to visit our website at for more information. Annie Liu and Hannah Li, highly experienced senior Daoyin coaches, will lead the upcoming classes and are eager to assist you on your wellness journey.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM    Punjabi Culture Club Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio