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Saturday February 8, 2025
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM    Drop in Group Exercise Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM    Dhol Community Drumming Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM    Science Olympiad Practice Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Monday February 10, 2025
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM    Stretch and Bend with Maureen Gaines - Stretch and Bend - Mondays
This class includes a short dynamic movement warm up to get you ready for your day's activities or your next fitness class. Positions for stretches will be standing and seated, We will also explore a variety of breathing techniques to enhance our balance work as well as improve physical and mental well-being. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and bring a water bottle. Instructor: Maureen Gaines in personNo class: 1/20, 2/10, 2/13 & 2/17
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:15 AM - 12:10 PM    Just Move It with Diane Taylor - Just Move It - Winter In Person
Come join us for an hour of upbeat exercise appropriate for adults at all levels. Includes cardio, hand weights, body bar and floor exercise . Finishing with a standing cool down and stretch. All genres of music used. Please wear layered exercise clothes and sneakers or sturdy shoes. Please bring a towel or mat to lay on, a water bottle and a sense of humor.  Instructor: Diane Taylor conducted in person in room 006 at the Community Center.No class 1/20 & 2/17
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM    Science Olympiad Practice Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
5:45 PM - 6:40 PM    SHiNE Dance Fitness - SHiNE Dance Fitness - Winter In Person
SHiNE Dance Fitness™ brings original routines to life using hit music and choreography for all-abilities. Rooted in jazz, ballet, and hip-hop, this workout gives you a creative outlet to escape from daily stress. Each class includes the perfect balance of high cardio and toning to ensure you receive a full-body workout with real results. SHiNE is a mood-lifting experience that leaves you feeling capable, confident, and connected to a supportive community. This is an in person class, taught by Kristin Dean.No class 1/20, 2/17, 3/17
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
7:00 PM - 7:55 PM    Yoga with Keith Herndon - Yoga Mondays - Winter Hybrid
Join certified instructor Keith Herndon in this physically balancing workout of Yoga on Monday or Wednesday evenings from the comfort of your own home or in our studio. Yoga is famous for harmonizing mind and body through stretching, breathing, deep relaxation, range of movement, and a calm inner focus,  Participants should have a yoga mat and a water bottle. Instructor: Keith Herndon class will be Hybrid, you may join Keith in Room 006 or log in via ZoomNo class on 1/20 & 2/17
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Tuesday February 11, 2025
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM    Pilates & Barre with Ellen Gaies - Pilates & Barre - Winter Hybrid
Join this fun and challenging workout that includes Pilates/Barre exercises to strengthen your abdominal “core” muscles, improve your balance, flexibility, and posture. Light weights will also be used to increase muscular strength. Modifications will be provided for all levels of experience and any physical concerns. There are weights and Pilates balls provided in the studio, but you should bring your own resistance/therapy bands and a yoga mat. Ellen Gaies is a certified instructor with over 30 years of teaching fitness classes including Pilates, Barre, Muscle Conditioning, Zumba and Ballet.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:00 AM - 11:55 AM    Seated Strength & Balance with Pearl Pressman - Seated Strength & Balance Tuesdays - Winter Hybrid
This seated class is designed to accommodate individuals of various fitness levels and abilities and can be adapted to meet the particular needs of any of the participants. The class begins with a thorough warm-up for both the joints and the muscles. The warm-up is followed by strength training for all the major muscle groups of the body using hand weights (or household objects) and body weight, as well as a few minutes of standing balance exercises for those who are able. The class concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted in person with option to zoom.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:00 PM - 12:55 PM    Strength Training with Pearl Pressman - Strength Training Tuesdays - Winter Hybrid
This 55-minute class will help you build a stronger, more sculpted body, improve posture and balance and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. You will also learn proper weight-training techniques, which is key to success. The class begins with a brief warm-up, followed by strength training exercises for all the major muscle groups of the body, both standing, seated and on the floor, and concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. The class is designed to accommodate participants of all fitness levels and abilities. A chair, athletic shoes, hand weights, an exercise mat, and water are recommended. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom and In Person 
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM    Line Dance with Paul - Line Dance with Paul Tuesdays - Winter In Person
Line dancing is great fun while you improve memory skills, strengthen bones, develop better balance, relieve stress, and put a smile on your face. Each dance is broken down first, demonstrated and then danced to contemporary music that you will enjoy! No need to have a partner, it is something for everyone and no experience is necessary!No class 1/14
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM    Kids Combined Martial Arts - Kids Combined Martial Arts - Early Winter
Come to the Community Center and join instructor Charles Crayton Jr., a 6th-degree black belt with 30 years of experience, for classes in combined martial arts. Come away learning self-defense moves of all kinds, a sharper mind, patience, and self-discipline.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
5:45 PM - 6:45 PM    Combined Martial Arts for Teens - Combined Martial Arts for Teens - Early Winter
Come to the Community Center and join instructor Charles Crayton Jr., a 6th-degree black belt with 30 years of experience, for classes in combined martial arts. Come away learning self-defense moves of all kinds, a sharper mind, patience, and self-discipline. 
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
7:15 PM - 8:15 PM    Cardio-dance with Joanna - Cardio Dance with Joanna - Winter In Person
Joanna Katz has extensive training as a dancer and has taught and choreographed for several area schools, universities and companies. Cardio-dance with Joanna is a dynamic combination of jazz, salsa, merengue, stretching, hip-hop and modern dance styles designed to give you an exhilarating, high intensity workout. You will sweat, exercise your brain and allow energy to move more freely throughout your body.  Joanna’s ultimate goal is for you to leave class feeling joyful and more connected to yourself and those around you. Some prior dance experience is helpful but not required.No class dates: 2/18
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Wednesday February 12, 2025
10:00 AM - 10:55 AM    Osteofitness with Beverley Ikier and Kerri Powers - Osteofitness Winter Hybrid
Instructors:• Beverley Ikier is a certified trainer and therapist with 20 years of experience. She trained with Miriam Nelson and has developed a versatile program for all fitness levels. Ikier is a CPT and a BCTMB.• Kerri Powers owns Fitness Together in Lexington, Massachusetts. She brings years of education and experience. She also provides detailed instruction for each exercise.Program Description:Osteofitness™ is a holistic approach aimed at preventing and treating osteoporosis. It focuses on:• Building bone density• Preventing falls and fractures• Strengthening bones and improving balance and postureThe program is especially important since osteoporotic fractures have a poor recovery rate and can lead to a high mortality rate. Osteofitness™ helps improve bone mineral density (BMD) in people with osteopenia or osteoporosis, promoting an active, independent lifestyle.Key Features:• Targeted strengthening for major osteoporotic sites• Education on bone health, posture, and stress management• Emphasis on bone-healthy nutrition, especially calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin K• Stress reduction techniques, since chronic stress inhibits bone growthAdditional Perks:Osteofitness™ goes beyond typical programs by offering:• A free 20-minute consultation with Ikier to discuss your bone scan• Email coaching• Monthly bone-healthy recipes• An educational newsletter• Access to two instructional videos on-demand• Bonus materialsThis program helps any age group maintain strength, bone health, and independence through personalized instruction and education.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:15 PM - 1:10 PM    Active Agers with Carolyn Gregoire - Active Agers Winter Hybrid
In this class we will have fun while increasing our strength, bone health, balance, flexibility, and cardiovascular fitness.  While listening to music, we will combine elements of muscle conditioning, functional movement for everyday activities, and intervals of cardio along with Yoga and Pilates postures.  Correct form is stressed, and there is a focus on activating the proper muscles for each exercise.  We will be doing some exercises standing and some while on the floor, and will incorporate weights and other forms of resistance.  The end of each class will include stretching and relaxation.  Carolyn has been a group fitness instructor for 20 years and a Personal trainer for over 12 years.  You may recognize her from the Boston Sports Club in Lexington.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM    21TARA Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM    Adaptive Kids Combined Martial Arts - Adaptive Kids Combined Martial Arts - Early Winter
This program is led by Charlie Crayton, a 6th-degree black belt with 30 years of experience. Class is a specialized group program designed to introduce children with disabilities to the exciting world of martial arts. By blending techniques from various styles, such as Karate, Taekwondo, Jiu-Jitsu, and Boxing, the program offers a fun, engaging, and accessible experience that can be adapted to the needs of the group. No class 2/19
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
7:00 PM - 7:55 PM    Yoga with Keith Herndon - Yoga Wednesdays - Winter Hybrid
Join certified instructor Keith Herndon in this physically balancing workout of Yoga on Monday or Wednesday evenings from the comfort of your own home or in our studio. Yoga is famous for harmonizing mind and body through stretching, breathing, deep relaxation, range of movement, and a calm inner focus,  Participants should have a yoga mat and a water bottle. Instructor: Keith Herndon class will be Hybrid, you may join Keith in Room 006 or log in via ZoomNo class on 1/20 & 2/17
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Thursday February 13, 2025
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM    Stretch and Bend with Maureen Gaines - Stretch and Bend - Thursdays
This class includes a short dynamic movement warm up to get you ready for your day's activities or your next fitness class. Positions for stretches will be standing and seated, We will also explore a variety of breathing techniques to enhance our balance work as well as improve physical and mental well-being. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and bring a water bottle. Instructor: Maureen Gaines in personNo class: 1/20, 2/10, 2/13 & 2/17
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:00 AM - 11:55 AM    Seated Strength & Balance with Pearl Pressman - Seated Strength & Balance Thursdays - Winter Hybrid
This seated class is designed to accommodate individuals of various fitness levels and abilities and can be adapted to meet the particular needs of any of the participants. The class begins with a thorough warm-up for both the joints and the muscles. The warm-up is followed by strength training for all the major muscle groups of the body using hand weights (or household objects) and body weight, as well as a few minutes of standing balance exercises for those who are able. The class concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted in person with option to zoom.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:00 PM - 12:55 PM    Strength Training with Pearl Pressman - Strength Training Thursdays - Winter Hybrid
This 55-minute class will help you build a stronger, more sculpted body, improve posture and balance and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. You will also learn proper weight-training techniques, which is key to success. The class begins with a brief warm-up, followed by strength training exercises for all the major muscle groups of the body, both standing, seated and on the floor, and concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. The class is designed to accommodate participants of all fitness levels and abilities. A chair, athletic shoes, hand weights, an exercise mat, and water are recommended. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom and In Person 
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM    Wing Chun Kung Fu - Wing Chun Kung Fu - Winter In Person
Come join our 90 minute class and learn a martial art that is realistic and effective in application and self-defense, but is easy to learn, safe, practical, and fun. Classes start with the basic Sil Nim Tau form, followed by Lat-Sao reflex training, drills, and application. Wing Chun Kung Fu is suitable for all people, regardless of age, physical ability, or previous experience, whether you've been doing martial arts your whole life or you're a beginner. Instructor: Sifu Ken Marden conducted in person.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Friday February 14, 2025
8:45 AM - 9:40 AM    SHiNE LIGHT - SHiNE LIGHT - Winter In Person
SHiNE LIGHT is a branch of SHiNE Dance Fitness which specializes in low impact and simplified choreography with a focus on stability and safe ranges of motion. SHiNE LIGHT brings original routines to life using hit music and choreography for all-abilities. Rooted in jazz, ballet and hip-hop, this workout gives you a creative outlet to escape from daily stress. Each class includes the perfect balance of cardio and toning to ensure you receive a full-body workout with real results. SHiNE LIGHT is a mood-lifting experience that leaves you feeling capable, confident, and connected to a supportive community.  This is an in person class, taught by Julie Steinkrauss-Fuhrer.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
10:00 AM - 10:55 AM    Osteofitness with Beverley Ikier and Kerri Powers - Osteofitness Winter Hybrid
Instructors:• Beverley Ikier is a certified trainer and therapist with 20 years of experience. She trained with Miriam Nelson and has developed a versatile program for all fitness levels. Ikier is a CPT and a BCTMB.• Kerri Powers owns Fitness Together in Lexington, Massachusetts. She brings years of education and experience. She also provides detailed instruction for each exercise.Program Description:Osteofitness™ is a holistic approach aimed at preventing and treating osteoporosis. It focuses on:• Building bone density• Preventing falls and fractures• Strengthening bones and improving balance and postureThe program is especially important since osteoporotic fractures have a poor recovery rate and can lead to a high mortality rate. Osteofitness™ helps improve bone mineral density (BMD) in people with osteopenia or osteoporosis, promoting an active, independent lifestyle.Key Features:• Targeted strengthening for major osteoporotic sites• Education on bone health, posture, and stress management• Emphasis on bone-healthy nutrition, especially calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin K• Stress reduction techniques, since chronic stress inhibits bone growthAdditional Perks:Osteofitness™ goes beyond typical programs by offering:• A free 20-minute consultation with Ikier to discuss your bone scan• Email coaching• Monthly bone-healthy recipes• An educational newsletter• Access to two instructional videos on-demand• Bonus materialsThis program helps any age group maintain strength, bone health, and independence through personalized instruction and education.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM    LABBB Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM    Sports Zone Battlegrounds - Nerf Edition - Sports Zone Battlegrounds - Nerf Edition, Early Winter
Come join the Sports Zone Lieutenants as we test our individual and team effectiveness in battle! This awesome program puts a fresh spin on traditional games like capture the flag, while also allowing children to get great exercise, learn some strategic planning skills, and make new friends. Each week will feature different games with individual and team-based challenges, so the students always have something new to strive for. We will also have all sorts of obstacles for the students to interact with, so they never know what to expect! There will be no shortage of fun in this program, and we provide all the necessary supplies, so join the excitement today!
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM    Lexington GM Dance Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Saturday February 15, 2025
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM    Drop in Group Exercise Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM    Dhol Community Drumming Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Tuesday February 18, 2025
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM    Pilates & Barre with Ellen Gaies - Pilates & Barre - Winter Hybrid
Join this fun and challenging workout that includes Pilates/Barre exercises to strengthen your abdominal “core” muscles, improve your balance, flexibility, and posture. Light weights will also be used to increase muscular strength. Modifications will be provided for all levels of experience and any physical concerns. There are weights and Pilates balls provided in the studio, but you should bring your own resistance/therapy bands and a yoga mat. Ellen Gaies is a certified instructor with over 30 years of teaching fitness classes including Pilates, Barre, Muscle Conditioning, Zumba and Ballet.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:00 AM - 11:55 AM    Seated Strength & Balance with Pearl Pressman - Seated Strength & Balance Tuesdays - Winter Hybrid
This seated class is designed to accommodate individuals of various fitness levels and abilities and can be adapted to meet the particular needs of any of the participants. The class begins with a thorough warm-up for both the joints and the muscles. The warm-up is followed by strength training for all the major muscle groups of the body using hand weights (or household objects) and body weight, as well as a few minutes of standing balance exercises for those who are able. The class concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted in person with option to zoom.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:00 PM - 12:55 PM    Strength Training with Pearl Pressman - Strength Training Tuesdays - Winter Hybrid
This 55-minute class will help you build a stronger, more sculpted body, improve posture and balance and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. You will also learn proper weight-training techniques, which is key to success. The class begins with a brief warm-up, followed by strength training exercises for all the major muscle groups of the body, both standing, seated and on the floor, and concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. The class is designed to accommodate participants of all fitness levels and abilities. A chair, athletic shoes, hand weights, an exercise mat, and water are recommended. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom and In Person 
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM    Line Dance with Paul - Line Dance with Paul Tuesdays - Winter In Person
Line dancing is great fun while you improve memory skills, strengthen bones, develop better balance, relieve stress, and put a smile on your face. Each dance is broken down first, demonstrated and then danced to contemporary music that you will enjoy! No need to have a partner, it is something for everyone and no experience is necessary!No class 1/14
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Science Olympiad Invitational event practice Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Wednesday February 19, 2025
10:00 AM - 10:55 AM    Osteofitness with Beverley Ikier and Kerri Powers - Osteofitness Winter Hybrid
Instructors:• Beverley Ikier is a certified trainer and therapist with 20 years of experience. She trained with Miriam Nelson and has developed a versatile program for all fitness levels. Ikier is a CPT and a BCTMB.• Kerri Powers owns Fitness Together in Lexington, Massachusetts. She brings years of education and experience. She also provides detailed instruction for each exercise.Program Description:Osteofitness™ is a holistic approach aimed at preventing and treating osteoporosis. It focuses on:• Building bone density• Preventing falls and fractures• Strengthening bones and improving balance and postureThe program is especially important since osteoporotic fractures have a poor recovery rate and can lead to a high mortality rate. Osteofitness™ helps improve bone mineral density (BMD) in people with osteopenia or osteoporosis, promoting an active, independent lifestyle.Key Features:• Targeted strengthening for major osteoporotic sites• Education on bone health, posture, and stress management• Emphasis on bone-healthy nutrition, especially calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin K• Stress reduction techniques, since chronic stress inhibits bone growthAdditional Perks:Osteofitness™ goes beyond typical programs by offering:• A free 20-minute consultation with Ikier to discuss your bone scan• Email coaching• Monthly bone-healthy recipes• An educational newsletter• Access to two instructional videos on-demand• Bonus materialsThis program helps any age group maintain strength, bone health, and independence through personalized instruction and education.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:15 PM - 1:10 PM    Active Agers with Carolyn Gregoire - Active Agers Winter Hybrid
In this class we will have fun while increasing our strength, bone health, balance, flexibility, and cardiovascular fitness.  While listening to music, we will combine elements of muscle conditioning, functional movement for everyday activities, and intervals of cardio along with Yoga and Pilates postures.  Correct form is stressed, and there is a focus on activating the proper muscles for each exercise.  We will be doing some exercises standing and some while on the floor, and will incorporate weights and other forms of resistance.  The end of each class will include stretching and relaxation.  Carolyn has been a group fitness instructor for 20 years and a Personal trainer for over 12 years.  You may recognize her from the Boston Sports Club in Lexington.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM    21TARA Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
4:00 PM - 6:30 PM    Science Olympiad Invitational event practice Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
7:00 PM - 7:55 PM    Yoga with Keith Herndon - Yoga Wednesdays - Winter Hybrid
Join certified instructor Keith Herndon in this physically balancing workout of Yoga on Monday or Wednesday evenings from the comfort of your own home or in our studio. Yoga is famous for harmonizing mind and body through stretching, breathing, deep relaxation, range of movement, and a calm inner focus,  Participants should have a yoga mat and a water bottle. Instructor: Keith Herndon class will be Hybrid, you may join Keith in Room 006 or log in via ZoomNo class on 1/20 & 2/17
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Thursday February 20, 2025
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM    Stretch and Bend with Maureen Gaines - Stretch and Bend - Thursdays
This class includes a short dynamic movement warm up to get you ready for your day's activities or your next fitness class. Positions for stretches will be standing and seated, We will also explore a variety of breathing techniques to enhance our balance work as well as improve physical and mental well-being. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and bring a water bottle. Instructor: Maureen Gaines in personNo class: 1/20, 2/10, 2/13 & 2/17
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
9:45 AM - 10:40 AM    Fit & Fabulous with Maureen Gaines - Fit & Fabulous Thursdays - Winter Hybrid
This class is a total body workout. The class begins with dynamic movement to warm up muscles and joints. Exercises that involve strength, cardio endurance, balance and flexibility will leave your body feeling fit and fabulous and have FUN! Free weights, resistance bands, chairs and pilates balls are included to enhance workouts. Chairs are used for some exercises, breath work and stretching. Bring water bottles, wear loose, comfortable clothes and appropriate sturdy footwear. ACSM certified Personal trainer Maureen Gaines will lead in person and by zoom.No class 6/19
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:00 AM - 11:55 AM    Seated Strength & Balance with Pearl Pressman - Seated Strength & Balance Thursdays - Winter Hybrid
This seated class is designed to accommodate individuals of various fitness levels and abilities and can be adapted to meet the particular needs of any of the participants. The class begins with a thorough warm-up for both the joints and the muscles. The warm-up is followed by strength training for all the major muscle groups of the body using hand weights (or household objects) and body weight, as well as a few minutes of standing balance exercises for those who are able. The class concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted in person with option to zoom.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:00 PM - 12:55 PM    Strength Training with Pearl Pressman - Strength Training Thursdays - Winter Hybrid
This 55-minute class will help you build a stronger, more sculpted body, improve posture and balance and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. You will also learn proper weight-training techniques, which is key to success. The class begins with a brief warm-up, followed by strength training exercises for all the major muscle groups of the body, both standing, seated and on the floor, and concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. The class is designed to accommodate participants of all fitness levels and abilities. A chair, athletic shoes, hand weights, an exercise mat, and water are recommended. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom and In Person 
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Science Olympiad Invitational event practice Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Friday February 21, 2025
8:45 AM - 9:40 AM    SHiNE LIGHT - SHiNE LIGHT - Winter In Person
SHiNE LIGHT is a branch of SHiNE Dance Fitness which specializes in low impact and simplified choreography with a focus on stability and safe ranges of motion. SHiNE LIGHT brings original routines to life using hit music and choreography for all-abilities. Rooted in jazz, ballet and hip-hop, this workout gives you a creative outlet to escape from daily stress. Each class includes the perfect balance of cardio and toning to ensure you receive a full-body workout with real results. SHiNE LIGHT is a mood-lifting experience that leaves you feeling capable, confident, and connected to a supportive community.  This is an in person class, taught by Julie Steinkrauss-Fuhrer.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
10:00 AM - 10:55 AM    Osteofitness with Beverley Ikier and Kerri Powers - Osteofitness Winter Hybrid
Instructors:• Beverley Ikier is a certified trainer and therapist with 20 years of experience. She trained with Miriam Nelson and has developed a versatile program for all fitness levels. Ikier is a CPT and a BCTMB.• Kerri Powers owns Fitness Together in Lexington, Massachusetts. She brings years of education and experience. She also provides detailed instruction for each exercise.Program Description:Osteofitness™ is a holistic approach aimed at preventing and treating osteoporosis. It focuses on:• Building bone density• Preventing falls and fractures• Strengthening bones and improving balance and postureThe program is especially important since osteoporotic fractures have a poor recovery rate and can lead to a high mortality rate. Osteofitness™ helps improve bone mineral density (BMD) in people with osteopenia or osteoporosis, promoting an active, independent lifestyle.Key Features:• Targeted strengthening for major osteoporotic sites• Education on bone health, posture, and stress management• Emphasis on bone-healthy nutrition, especially calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin K• Stress reduction techniques, since chronic stress inhibits bone growthAdditional Perks:Osteofitness™ goes beyond typical programs by offering:• A free 20-minute consultation with Ikier to discuss your bone scan• Email coaching• Monthly bone-healthy recipes• An educational newsletter• Access to two instructional videos on-demand• Bonus materialsThis program helps any age group maintain strength, bone health, and independence through personalized instruction and education.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM    LABBB Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:45 PM - 2:30 PM    Drums Alive: Ability Beats with Yachun - Drums Alive: Ability Beats
Drums Alive combines exercise with rhythm and movement in a fun and upbeat setting.  Drums Alive uses stability balls to create a unique drumming experience that has been shown to benefit individuals physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.  Led by Yachun Lin.  All abilities welcome.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Science Olympiad Invitational event practice Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM    Lexington GM Dance Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Saturday February 22, 2025
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM    Drop in Group Exercise Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM    Dhol Community Drumming Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM    Science Olympiad Invitational event practice Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Monday February 24, 2025
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM    Stretch and Bend with Maureen Gaines - Stretch and Bend - Mondays
This class includes a short dynamic movement warm up to get you ready for your day's activities or your next fitness class. Positions for stretches will be standing and seated, We will also explore a variety of breathing techniques to enhance our balance work as well as improve physical and mental well-being. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and bring a water bottle. Instructor: Maureen Gaines in personNo class: 1/20, 2/10, 2/13 & 2/17
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
9:45 AM - 10:40 AM    Fit & Fabulous with Maureen Gaines - Fit & Fabulous Mondays - Winter Hybrid
This class is a total body workout. The class begins with dynamic movement to warm up muscles and joints. Exercises that involve strength, cardio endurance, balance and flexibility will leave your body feeling fit and fabulous and have FUN! Free weights, resistance bands, chairs and pilates balls are included to enhance workouts. Chairs are used for some exercises, breath work and stretching. Bring water bottles, wear loose, comfortable clothes and appropriate sturdy footwear. ACSM certified Personal trainer Maureen Gaines will lead in person and by zoom.No class 6/19
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:15 AM - 12:10 PM    Just Move It with Diane Taylor - Just Move It - Winter In Person
Come join us for an hour of upbeat exercise appropriate for adults at all levels. Includes cardio, hand weights, body bar and floor exercise . Finishing with a standing cool down and stretch. All genres of music used. Please wear layered exercise clothes and sneakers or sturdy shoes. Please bring a towel or mat to lay on, a water bottle and a sense of humor.  Instructor: Diane Taylor conducted in person in room 006 at the Community Center.No class 1/20 & 2/17
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
5:45 PM - 6:40 PM    SHiNE Dance Fitness - SHiNE Dance Fitness - Winter In Person
SHiNE Dance Fitness™ brings original routines to life using hit music and choreography for all-abilities. Rooted in jazz, ballet, and hip-hop, this workout gives you a creative outlet to escape from daily stress. Each class includes the perfect balance of high cardio and toning to ensure you receive a full-body workout with real results. SHiNE is a mood-lifting experience that leaves you feeling capable, confident, and connected to a supportive community. This is an in person class, taught by Kristin Dean.No class 1/20, 2/17, 3/17
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
7:00 PM - 7:55 PM    Yoga with Keith Herndon - Yoga Mondays - Winter Hybrid
Join certified instructor Keith Herndon in this physically balancing workout of Yoga on Monday or Wednesday evenings from the comfort of your own home or in our studio. Yoga is famous for harmonizing mind and body through stretching, breathing, deep relaxation, range of movement, and a calm inner focus,  Participants should have a yoga mat and a water bottle. Instructor: Keith Herndon class will be Hybrid, you may join Keith in Room 006 or log in via ZoomNo class on 1/20 & 2/17
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Tuesday February 25, 2025
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM    Pilates & Barre with Ellen Gaies - Pilates & Barre - Winter Hybrid
Join this fun and challenging workout that includes Pilates/Barre exercises to strengthen your abdominal “core” muscles, improve your balance, flexibility, and posture. Light weights will also be used to increase muscular strength. Modifications will be provided for all levels of experience and any physical concerns. There are weights and Pilates balls provided in the studio, but you should bring your own resistance/therapy bands and a yoga mat. Ellen Gaies is a certified instructor with over 30 years of teaching fitness classes including Pilates, Barre, Muscle Conditioning, Zumba and Ballet.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:00 AM - 11:55 AM    Seated Strength & Balance with Pearl Pressman - Seated Strength & Balance Tuesdays - Winter Hybrid
This seated class is designed to accommodate individuals of various fitness levels and abilities and can be adapted to meet the particular needs of any of the participants. The class begins with a thorough warm-up for both the joints and the muscles. The warm-up is followed by strength training for all the major muscle groups of the body using hand weights (or household objects) and body weight, as well as a few minutes of standing balance exercises for those who are able. The class concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted in person with option to zoom.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:00 PM - 12:55 PM    Strength Training with Pearl Pressman - Strength Training Tuesdays - Winter Hybrid
This 55-minute class will help you build a stronger, more sculpted body, improve posture and balance and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. You will also learn proper weight-training techniques, which is key to success. The class begins with a brief warm-up, followed by strength training exercises for all the major muscle groups of the body, both standing, seated and on the floor, and concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. The class is designed to accommodate participants of all fitness levels and abilities. A chair, athletic shoes, hand weights, an exercise mat, and water are recommended. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom and In Person 
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM    Line Dance with Paul - Line Dance with Paul Tuesdays - Winter In Person
Line dancing is great fun while you improve memory skills, strengthen bones, develop better balance, relieve stress, and put a smile on your face. Each dance is broken down first, demonstrated and then danced to contemporary music that you will enjoy! No need to have a partner, it is something for everyone and no experience is necessary!No class 1/14
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
7:15 PM - 8:15 PM    Cardio-dance with Joanna - Cardio Dance with Joanna - Winter In Person
Joanna Katz has extensive training as a dancer and has taught and choreographed for several area schools, universities and companies. Cardio-dance with Joanna is a dynamic combination of jazz, salsa, merengue, stretching, hip-hop and modern dance styles designed to give you an exhilarating, high intensity workout. You will sweat, exercise your brain and allow energy to move more freely throughout your body.  Joanna’s ultimate goal is for you to leave class feeling joyful and more connected to yourself and those around you. Some prior dance experience is helpful but not required.No class dates: 2/18
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Wednesday February 26, 2025
10:00 AM - 10:55 AM    Osteofitness with Beverley Ikier and Kerri Powers - Osteofitness Winter Hybrid
Instructors:• Beverley Ikier is a certified trainer and therapist with 20 years of experience. She trained with Miriam Nelson and has developed a versatile program for all fitness levels. Ikier is a CPT and a BCTMB.• Kerri Powers owns Fitness Together in Lexington, Massachusetts. She brings years of education and experience. She also provides detailed instruction for each exercise.Program Description:Osteofitness™ is a holistic approach aimed at preventing and treating osteoporosis. It focuses on:• Building bone density• Preventing falls and fractures• Strengthening bones and improving balance and postureThe program is especially important since osteoporotic fractures have a poor recovery rate and can lead to a high mortality rate. Osteofitness™ helps improve bone mineral density (BMD) in people with osteopenia or osteoporosis, promoting an active, independent lifestyle.Key Features:• Targeted strengthening for major osteoporotic sites• Education on bone health, posture, and stress management• Emphasis on bone-healthy nutrition, especially calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin K• Stress reduction techniques, since chronic stress inhibits bone growthAdditional Perks:Osteofitness™ goes beyond typical programs by offering:• A free 20-minute consultation with Ikier to discuss your bone scan• Email coaching• Monthly bone-healthy recipes• An educational newsletter• Access to two instructional videos on-demand• Bonus materialsThis program helps any age group maintain strength, bone health, and independence through personalized instruction and education.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:10 AM - 12:05 PM    Zumba Gold with Yachun Lin - In Person - Zumba Gold Wednesdays - Winter In Person
Zumba Gold is a Latin-inspired dance-fitness party for active older adults, beginners, and anyone who is looking to dance and have a great time without jumping! Easy-to-follow and feel-good routines to international beats. Each routine starts out with basic steps and adds on to each step as the song progresses. This creates the opportunity to add more intensity or lower the intensity level based on each individual's fitness abilities and preferences. Zumba Gold classes focus on building strength, cardiovascular health, balance, coordination, and flexibility. Please wear sturdy sneakers and bring water. Instructor: Yachun Lin conducted in person. No Class 4/23
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:15 PM - 1:10 PM    Active Agers with Carolyn Gregoire - Active Agers Winter Hybrid
In this class we will have fun while increasing our strength, bone health, balance, flexibility, and cardiovascular fitness.  While listening to music, we will combine elements of muscle conditioning, functional movement for everyday activities, and intervals of cardio along with Yoga and Pilates postures.  Correct form is stressed, and there is a focus on activating the proper muscles for each exercise.  We will be doing some exercises standing and some while on the floor, and will incorporate weights and other forms of resistance.  The end of each class will include stretching and relaxation.  Carolyn has been a group fitness instructor for 20 years and a Personal trainer for over 12 years.  You may recognize her from the Boston Sports Club in Lexington.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM    21TARA Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM    Adaptive Kids Combined Martial Arts - Adaptive Kids Combined Martial Arts - Early Winter
This program is led by Charlie Crayton, a 6th-degree black belt with 30 years of experience. Class is a specialized group program designed to introduce children with disabilities to the exciting world of martial arts. By blending techniques from various styles, such as Karate, Taekwondo, Jiu-Jitsu, and Boxing, the program offers a fun, engaging, and accessible experience that can be adapted to the needs of the group. No class 2/19
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
5:00 PM - 6:45 PM    Science Olympiad Invitational event practice Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
7:00 PM - 7:55 PM    Yoga with Keith Herndon - Yoga Wednesdays - Winter Hybrid
Join certified instructor Keith Herndon in this physically balancing workout of Yoga on Monday or Wednesday evenings from the comfort of your own home or in our studio. Yoga is famous for harmonizing mind and body through stretching, breathing, deep relaxation, range of movement, and a calm inner focus,  Participants should have a yoga mat and a water bottle. Instructor: Keith Herndon class will be Hybrid, you may join Keith in Room 006 or log in via ZoomNo class on 1/20 & 2/17
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Thursday February 27, 2025
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM    Stretch and Bend with Maureen Gaines - Stretch and Bend - Thursdays
This class includes a short dynamic movement warm up to get you ready for your day's activities or your next fitness class. Positions for stretches will be standing and seated, We will also explore a variety of breathing techniques to enhance our balance work as well as improve physical and mental well-being. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and bring a water bottle. Instructor: Maureen Gaines in personNo class: 1/20, 2/10, 2/13 & 2/17
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
9:45 AM - 10:40 AM    Fit & Fabulous with Maureen Gaines - Fit & Fabulous Thursdays - Winter Hybrid
This class is a total body workout. The class begins with dynamic movement to warm up muscles and joints. Exercises that involve strength, cardio endurance, balance and flexibility will leave your body feeling fit and fabulous and have FUN! Free weights, resistance bands, chairs and pilates balls are included to enhance workouts. Chairs are used for some exercises, breath work and stretching. Bring water bottles, wear loose, comfortable clothes and appropriate sturdy footwear. ACSM certified Personal trainer Maureen Gaines will lead in person and by zoom.No class 6/19
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:00 AM - 11:55 AM    Seated Strength & Balance with Pearl Pressman - Seated Strength & Balance Thursdays - Winter Hybrid
This seated class is designed to accommodate individuals of various fitness levels and abilities and can be adapted to meet the particular needs of any of the participants. The class begins with a thorough warm-up for both the joints and the muscles. The warm-up is followed by strength training for all the major muscle groups of the body using hand weights (or household objects) and body weight, as well as a few minutes of standing balance exercises for those who are able. The class concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted in person with option to zoom.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:00 PM - 12:55 PM    Strength Training with Pearl Pressman - Strength Training Thursdays - Winter Hybrid
This 55-minute class will help you build a stronger, more sculpted body, improve posture and balance and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. You will also learn proper weight-training techniques, which is key to success. The class begins with a brief warm-up, followed by strength training exercises for all the major muscle groups of the body, both standing, seated and on the floor, and concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. The class is designed to accommodate participants of all fitness levels and abilities. A chair, athletic shoes, hand weights, an exercise mat, and water are recommended. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom and In Person 
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM    Science Olympiad Invitational event practice Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM    Wing Chun Kung Fu - Wing Chun Kung Fu - Winter In Person
Come join our 90 minute class and learn a martial art that is realistic and effective in application and self-defense, but is easy to learn, safe, practical, and fun. Classes start with the basic Sil Nim Tau form, followed by Lat-Sao reflex training, drills, and application. Wing Chun Kung Fu is suitable for all people, regardless of age, physical ability, or previous experience, whether you've been doing martial arts your whole life or you're a beginner. Instructor: Sifu Ken Marden conducted in person.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Friday February 28, 2025
8:45 AM - 9:40 AM    SHiNE LIGHT - SHiNE LIGHT - Winter In Person
SHiNE LIGHT is a branch of SHiNE Dance Fitness which specializes in low impact and simplified choreography with a focus on stability and safe ranges of motion. SHiNE LIGHT brings original routines to life using hit music and choreography for all-abilities. Rooted in jazz, ballet and hip-hop, this workout gives you a creative outlet to escape from daily stress. Each class includes the perfect balance of cardio and toning to ensure you receive a full-body workout with real results. SHiNE LIGHT is a mood-lifting experience that leaves you feeling capable, confident, and connected to a supportive community.  This is an in person class, taught by Julie Steinkrauss-Fuhrer.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
10:00 AM - 10:55 AM    Osteofitness with Beverley Ikier and Kerri Powers - Osteofitness Winter Hybrid
Instructors:• Beverley Ikier is a certified trainer and therapist with 20 years of experience. She trained with Miriam Nelson and has developed a versatile program for all fitness levels. Ikier is a CPT and a BCTMB.• Kerri Powers owns Fitness Together in Lexington, Massachusetts. She brings years of education and experience. She also provides detailed instruction for each exercise.Program Description:Osteofitness™ is a holistic approach aimed at preventing and treating osteoporosis. It focuses on:• Building bone density• Preventing falls and fractures• Strengthening bones and improving balance and postureThe program is especially important since osteoporotic fractures have a poor recovery rate and can lead to a high mortality rate. Osteofitness™ helps improve bone mineral density (BMD) in people with osteopenia or osteoporosis, promoting an active, independent lifestyle.Key Features:• Targeted strengthening for major osteoporotic sites• Education on bone health, posture, and stress management• Emphasis on bone-healthy nutrition, especially calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin K• Stress reduction techniques, since chronic stress inhibits bone growthAdditional Perks:Osteofitness™ goes beyond typical programs by offering:• A free 20-minute consultation with Ikier to discuss your bone scan• Email coaching• Monthly bone-healthy recipes• An educational newsletter• Access to two instructional videos on-demand• Bonus materialsThis program helps any age group maintain strength, bone health, and independence through personalized instruction and education.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM    LABBB Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
6:30 PM - 8:15 PM    SHiNE Dance Fitness 10th Anniversary Celebration - SHiNE Dance Fitness - 10th Anniversary Celebration!
Join your favorite local SHiNE Dance Fitness instructors as they celebrate a BIG BIRTHDAY. SHiNE turns 10 years old in 2025 and you’re invited to the party! Dance, sweat, laugh, and enjoy an hour of this heart-pumping, easy-to-follow dance fitness format that is taking over studios and gyms across the country. No experience necessary. Bring your sneakers, a water bottle, and get ready to SHiNE. A special cupcake celebration to follow!
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Saturday March 1, 2025
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM    Drop in Group Exercise Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM    Dhol Community Drumming Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
2:00 PM - 4:30 PM    Science Olympiad Invitational event practice Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Monday March 3, 2025
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM    Stretch and Bend with Maureen Gaines - Stretch and Bend - Mondays
This class includes a short dynamic movement warm up to get you ready for your day's activities or your next fitness class. Positions for stretches will be standing and seated, We will also explore a variety of breathing techniques to enhance our balance work as well as improve physical and mental well-being. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and bring a water bottle. Instructor: Maureen Gaines in personNo class: 1/20, 2/10, 2/13 & 2/17
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
9:45 AM - 10:40 AM    Fit & Fabulous with Maureen Gaines - Fit & Fabulous Mondays - Winter Hybrid
This class is a total body workout. The class begins with dynamic movement to warm up muscles and joints. Exercises that involve strength, cardio endurance, balance and flexibility will leave your body feeling fit and fabulous and have FUN! Free weights, resistance bands, chairs and pilates balls are included to enhance workouts. Chairs are used for some exercises, breath work and stretching. Bring water bottles, wear loose, comfortable clothes and appropriate sturdy footwear. ACSM certified Personal trainer Maureen Gaines will lead in person and by zoom.No class 6/19
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:15 AM - 12:10 PM    Just Move It with Diane Taylor - Just Move It - Winter In Person
Come join us for an hour of upbeat exercise appropriate for adults at all levels. Includes cardio, hand weights, body bar and floor exercise . Finishing with a standing cool down and stretch. All genres of music used. Please wear layered exercise clothes and sneakers or sturdy shoes. Please bring a towel or mat to lay on, a water bottle and a sense of humor.  Instructor: Diane Taylor conducted in person in room 006 at the Community Center.No class 1/20 & 2/17
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
5:45 PM - 6:40 PM    SHiNE Dance Fitness - SHiNE Dance Fitness - Winter In Person
SHiNE Dance Fitness™ brings original routines to life using hit music and choreography for all-abilities. Rooted in jazz, ballet, and hip-hop, this workout gives you a creative outlet to escape from daily stress. Each class includes the perfect balance of high cardio and toning to ensure you receive a full-body workout with real results. SHiNE is a mood-lifting experience that leaves you feeling capable, confident, and connected to a supportive community. This is an in person class, taught by Kristin Dean.No class 1/20, 2/17, 3/17
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
7:00 PM - 7:55 PM    Yoga with Keith Herndon - Yoga Mondays - Winter Hybrid
Join certified instructor Keith Herndon in this physically balancing workout of Yoga on Monday or Wednesday evenings from the comfort of your own home or in our studio. Yoga is famous for harmonizing mind and body through stretching, breathing, deep relaxation, range of movement, and a calm inner focus,  Participants should have a yoga mat and a water bottle. Instructor: Keith Herndon class will be Hybrid, you may join Keith in Room 006 or log in via ZoomNo class on 1/20 & 2/17
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Tuesday March 4, 2025
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM    Pilates & Barre with Ellen Gaies - Pilates & Barre - Winter Hybrid
Join this fun and challenging workout that includes Pilates/Barre exercises to strengthen your abdominal “core” muscles, improve your balance, flexibility, and posture. Light weights will also be used to increase muscular strength. Modifications will be provided for all levels of experience and any physical concerns. There are weights and Pilates balls provided in the studio, but you should bring your own resistance/therapy bands and a yoga mat. Ellen Gaies is a certified instructor with over 30 years of teaching fitness classes including Pilates, Barre, Muscle Conditioning, Zumba and Ballet.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:00 AM - 11:55 AM    Seated Strength & Balance with Pearl Pressman - Seated Strength & Balance Tuesdays - Winter Hybrid
This seated class is designed to accommodate individuals of various fitness levels and abilities and can be adapted to meet the particular needs of any of the participants. The class begins with a thorough warm-up for both the joints and the muscles. The warm-up is followed by strength training for all the major muscle groups of the body using hand weights (or household objects) and body weight, as well as a few minutes of standing balance exercises for those who are able. The class concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted in person with option to zoom.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:00 PM - 12:55 PM    Strength Training with Pearl Pressman - Strength Training Tuesdays - Winter Hybrid
This 55-minute class will help you build a stronger, more sculpted body, improve posture and balance and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. You will also learn proper weight-training techniques, which is key to success. The class begins with a brief warm-up, followed by strength training exercises for all the major muscle groups of the body, both standing, seated and on the floor, and concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. The class is designed to accommodate participants of all fitness levels and abilities. A chair, athletic shoes, hand weights, an exercise mat, and water are recommended. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom and In Person 
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM    Line Dance with Paul - Line Dance with Paul Tuesdays - Winter In Person
Line dancing is great fun while you improve memory skills, strengthen bones, develop better balance, relieve stress, and put a smile on your face. Each dance is broken down first, demonstrated and then danced to contemporary music that you will enjoy! No need to have a partner, it is something for everyone and no experience is necessary!No class 1/14
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM    Kids Combined Martial Arts - Kids Combined Martial Arts - Late Winter
Come to the Community Center and join instructor Charles Crayton Jr., a 6th-degree black belt with 30 years of experience, for classes in combined martial arts. Come away learning self-defense moves of all kinds, a sharper mind, patience, and self-discipline.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
5:45 PM - 6:45 PM    Combined Martial Arts for Teens - Combined Martial Arts for Teens - Late Winter
Come to the Community Center and join instructor Charles Crayton Jr., a 6th-degree black belt with 30 years of experience, for classes in combined martial arts. Come away learning self-defense moves of all kinds, a sharper mind, patience, and self-discipline. 
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
7:15 PM - 8:15 PM    Cardio-dance with Joanna - Cardio Dance with Joanna - Winter In Person
Joanna Katz has extensive training as a dancer and has taught and choreographed for several area schools, universities and companies. Cardio-dance with Joanna is a dynamic combination of jazz, salsa, merengue, stretching, hip-hop and modern dance styles designed to give you an exhilarating, high intensity workout. You will sweat, exercise your brain and allow energy to move more freely throughout your body.  Joanna’s ultimate goal is for you to leave class feeling joyful and more connected to yourself and those around you. Some prior dance experience is helpful but not required.No class dates: 2/18
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Wednesday March 5, 2025
10:00 AM - 10:55 AM    Osteofitness with Beverley Ikier and Kerri Powers - Osteofitness Winter Hybrid
Instructors:• Beverley Ikier is a certified trainer and therapist with 20 years of experience. She trained with Miriam Nelson and has developed a versatile program for all fitness levels. Ikier is a CPT and a BCTMB.• Kerri Powers owns Fitness Together in Lexington, Massachusetts. She brings years of education and experience. She also provides detailed instruction for each exercise.Program Description:Osteofitness™ is a holistic approach aimed at preventing and treating osteoporosis. It focuses on:• Building bone density• Preventing falls and fractures• Strengthening bones and improving balance and postureThe program is especially important since osteoporotic fractures have a poor recovery rate and can lead to a high mortality rate. Osteofitness™ helps improve bone mineral density (BMD) in people with osteopenia or osteoporosis, promoting an active, independent lifestyle.Key Features:• Targeted strengthening for major osteoporotic sites• Education on bone health, posture, and stress management• Emphasis on bone-healthy nutrition, especially calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin K• Stress reduction techniques, since chronic stress inhibits bone growthAdditional Perks:Osteofitness™ goes beyond typical programs by offering:• A free 20-minute consultation with Ikier to discuss your bone scan• Email coaching• Monthly bone-healthy recipes• An educational newsletter• Access to two instructional videos on-demand• Bonus materialsThis program helps any age group maintain strength, bone health, and independence through personalized instruction and education.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:10 AM - 12:05 PM    Zumba Gold with Yachun Lin - In Person - Zumba Gold Wednesdays - Winter In Person
Zumba Gold is a Latin-inspired dance-fitness party for active older adults, beginners, and anyone who is looking to dance and have a great time without jumping! Easy-to-follow and feel-good routines to international beats. Each routine starts out with basic steps and adds on to each step as the song progresses. This creates the opportunity to add more intensity or lower the intensity level based on each individual's fitness abilities and preferences. Zumba Gold classes focus on building strength, cardiovascular health, balance, coordination, and flexibility. Please wear sturdy sneakers and bring water. Instructor: Yachun Lin conducted in person. No Class 4/23
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:15 PM - 1:10 PM    Active Agers with Carolyn Gregoire - Active Agers Winter Hybrid
In this class we will have fun while increasing our strength, bone health, balance, flexibility, and cardiovascular fitness.  While listening to music, we will combine elements of muscle conditioning, functional movement for everyday activities, and intervals of cardio along with Yoga and Pilates postures.  Correct form is stressed, and there is a focus on activating the proper muscles for each exercise.  We will be doing some exercises standing and some while on the floor, and will incorporate weights and other forms of resistance.  The end of each class will include stretching and relaxation.  Carolyn has been a group fitness instructor for 20 years and a Personal trainer for over 12 years.  You may recognize her from the Boston Sports Club in Lexington.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM    21TARA Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM    Adaptive Kids Combined Martial Arts - Adaptive Kids Combined Martial Arts - Early Winter
This program is led by Charlie Crayton, a 6th-degree black belt with 30 years of experience. Class is a specialized group program designed to introduce children with disabilities to the exciting world of martial arts. By blending techniques from various styles, such as Karate, Taekwondo, Jiu-Jitsu, and Boxing, the program offers a fun, engaging, and accessible experience that can be adapted to the needs of the group. No class 2/19
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM    Science Olympiad Invitational event practice Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
7:00 PM - 7:55 PM    Yoga with Keith Herndon - Yoga Wednesdays - Winter Hybrid
Join certified instructor Keith Herndon in this physically balancing workout of Yoga on Monday or Wednesday evenings from the comfort of your own home or in our studio. Yoga is famous for harmonizing mind and body through stretching, breathing, deep relaxation, range of movement, and a calm inner focus,  Participants should have a yoga mat and a water bottle. Instructor: Keith Herndon class will be Hybrid, you may join Keith in Room 006 or log in via ZoomNo class on 1/20 & 2/17
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Thursday March 6, 2025
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM    Stretch and Bend with Maureen Gaines - Stretch and Bend - Thursdays
This class includes a short dynamic movement warm up to get you ready for your day's activities or your next fitness class. Positions for stretches will be standing and seated, We will also explore a variety of breathing techniques to enhance our balance work as well as improve physical and mental well-being. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing and bring a water bottle. Instructor: Maureen Gaines in personNo class: 1/20, 2/10, 2/13 & 2/17
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
9:45 AM - 10:40 AM    Fit & Fabulous with Maureen Gaines - Fit & Fabulous Thursdays - Winter Hybrid
This class is a total body workout. The class begins with dynamic movement to warm up muscles and joints. Exercises that involve strength, cardio endurance, balance and flexibility will leave your body feeling fit and fabulous and have FUN! Free weights, resistance bands, chairs and pilates balls are included to enhance workouts. Chairs are used for some exercises, breath work and stretching. Bring water bottles, wear loose, comfortable clothes and appropriate sturdy footwear. ACSM certified Personal trainer Maureen Gaines will lead in person and by zoom.No class 6/19
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:00 AM - 11:55 AM    Seated Strength & Balance with Pearl Pressman - Seated Strength & Balance Thursdays - Winter Hybrid
This seated class is designed to accommodate individuals of various fitness levels and abilities and can be adapted to meet the particular needs of any of the participants. The class begins with a thorough warm-up for both the joints and the muscles. The warm-up is followed by strength training for all the major muscle groups of the body using hand weights (or household objects) and body weight, as well as a few minutes of standing balance exercises for those who are able. The class concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted in person with option to zoom.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
12:00 PM - 12:55 PM    Strength Training with Pearl Pressman - Strength Training Thursdays - Winter Hybrid
This 55-minute class will help you build a stronger, more sculpted body, improve posture and balance and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. You will also learn proper weight-training techniques, which is key to success. The class begins with a brief warm-up, followed by strength training exercises for all the major muscle groups of the body, both standing, seated and on the floor, and concludes with gentle stretching exercises to increase flexibility and reduce muscle tension. The class is designed to accommodate participants of all fitness levels and abilities. A chair, athletic shoes, hand weights, an exercise mat, and water are recommended. Instructor: Pearl Pressman conducted via Zoom and In Person 
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM    Science Olympiad Invitational event practice Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM    Wing Chun Kung Fu - Wing Chun Kung Fu - Winter In Person
Come join our 90 minute class and learn a martial art that is realistic and effective in application and self-defense, but is easy to learn, safe, practical, and fun. Classes start with the basic Sil Nim Tau form, followed by Lat-Sao reflex training, drills, and application. Wing Chun Kung Fu is suitable for all people, regardless of age, physical ability, or previous experience, whether you've been doing martial arts your whole life or you're a beginner. Instructor: Sifu Ken Marden conducted in person.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Friday March 7, 2025
8:45 AM - 9:40 AM    SHiNE LIGHT - SHiNE LIGHT - Winter In Person
SHiNE LIGHT is a branch of SHiNE Dance Fitness which specializes in low impact and simplified choreography with a focus on stability and safe ranges of motion. SHiNE LIGHT brings original routines to life using hit music and choreography for all-abilities. Rooted in jazz, ballet and hip-hop, this workout gives you a creative outlet to escape from daily stress. Each class includes the perfect balance of cardio and toning to ensure you receive a full-body workout with real results. SHiNE LIGHT is a mood-lifting experience that leaves you feeling capable, confident, and connected to a supportive community.  This is an in person class, taught by Julie Steinkrauss-Fuhrer.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
10:00 AM - 10:55 AM    Osteofitness with Beverley Ikier and Kerri Powers - Osteofitness Winter Hybrid
Instructors:• Beverley Ikier is a certified trainer and therapist with 20 years of experience. She trained with Miriam Nelson and has developed a versatile program for all fitness levels. Ikier is a CPT and a BCTMB.• Kerri Powers owns Fitness Together in Lexington, Massachusetts. She brings years of education and experience. She also provides detailed instruction for each exercise.Program Description:Osteofitness™ is a holistic approach aimed at preventing and treating osteoporosis. It focuses on:• Building bone density• Preventing falls and fractures• Strengthening bones and improving balance and postureThe program is especially important since osteoporotic fractures have a poor recovery rate and can lead to a high mortality rate. Osteofitness™ helps improve bone mineral density (BMD) in people with osteopenia or osteoporosis, promoting an active, independent lifestyle.Key Features:• Targeted strengthening for major osteoporotic sites• Education on bone health, posture, and stress management• Emphasis on bone-healthy nutrition, especially calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and vitamin K• Stress reduction techniques, since chronic stress inhibits bone growthAdditional Perks:Osteofitness™ goes beyond typical programs by offering:• A free 20-minute consultation with Ikier to discuss your bone scan• Email coaching• Monthly bone-healthy recipes• An educational newsletter• Access to two instructional videos on-demand• Bonus materialsThis program helps any age group maintain strength, bone health, and independence through personalized instruction and education.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM    LABBB Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
1:45 PM - 2:30 PM    Drums Alive: Ability Beats with Yachun - Drums Alive: Ability Beats
Drums Alive combines exercise with rhythm and movement in a fun and upbeat setting.  Drums Alive uses stability balls to create a unique drumming experience that has been shown to benefit individuals physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.  Led by Yachun Lin.  All abilities welcome.
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM    Sports Zone Battlegrounds - Nerf Edition - Sports Zone Battlegrounds - Nerf Edition, Late Winter
Come join the Sports Zone Lieutenants as we test our individual and team effectiveness in battle! This awesome program puts a fresh spin on traditional games like capture the flag, while also allowing children to get great exercise, learn some strategic planning skills, and make new friends. Each week will feature different games with individual and team-based challenges, so the students always have something new to strive for. We will also have all sorts of obstacles for the students to interact with, so they never know what to expect! There will be no shortage of fun in this program, and we provide all the necessary supplies, so join the excitement today!
Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM    Lexington GM Dance Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
Saturday March 8, 2025
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM    Drop in Group Exercise Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM    Dhol Community Drumming Community Center - 006 - Fitness Studio